Living with someone that doesn't share your passion for coffee

Luckily my wife is a coffee drinker....although she does enjoy the flavored coffees (vanilla, hazelnut, etc) which is really not my favorite but it's only once in a while. She does help to taste test my different roasts so it's a nice trade....
My wife prefers pre-mixed instant coffee lol! She finds the coffee I make too strong or bitter tasting.
My girlfriend didn't like that I drank coffee when we first moved in with each other. Especially with how much I drink it. She tolerates it now but won't touch the stuff herself.
My girlfriend didn't like that I drank coffee when we first moved in with each other. Especially with how much I drink it. She tolerates it now but won't touch the stuff herself.

Are you still making your coffee in her tea kettle?

She may be tolerating the coffee smell (and your coffee breath) now, but as time goes on, it may irritate her more and more, especially when she's actually annoyed with you about other things.
Thankfully my wife is supportive of my love of coffee. She definitely sometimes questions the need for another coffee brewer (we're really running out of counter space), but all in all she's not really bothered by it. That said, she doesn't drink coffee often... yet... (when she does, there's a lot of cream and sugar involved...).
Are you still making your coffee in her tea kettle?

She may be tolerating the coffee smell (and your coffee breath) now, but as time goes on, it may irritate her more and more, especially when she's actually annoyed with you about other things.

Well first, she's never used that tea kettle her whole life. She doesn't even drink tea. She won it like 2 years ago and it sat in its box until a few months ago. And let her be irritated. She irritates me all the time, lol.
Your couple has accompanied for long time and the coffee taste is not the matter to convert the other's one. You both will drink the same coffee for surely.
I've had a up hill struggle with my partner since we moved in together with coffee. When we first moved in she drank instant and everytime I want to upgrade my coffee maker or try something new its always difficult. while I'm trying to make the perfect cup and constantly trying to improve my coffee she thinks its a waste of money. At the moment I need to pick up a new water filter and of course she tells me to use tap water. I love her but I will admit it fustrating .
I've had a up hill struggle with my partner since we moved in together with coffee. When we first moved in she drank instant and everytime I want to upgrade my coffee maker or try something new its always difficult. while I'm trying to make the perfect cup and constantly trying to improve my coffee she thinks its a waste of money. At the moment I need to pick up a new water filter and of course she tells me to use tap water. I love her but I will admit it fustrating .

As time goes on, she'll probably stop bothering you about the coffee and move on to something else. If you keep standing your ground and keep on doing what you've been doing, she'll eventually realize that she can't control you. (at least as far as the coffee situation goes).

She should be happy that you're only into coffee. After all, you could easily have a more expensive passion. You could be passionate about fine wines, coin collecting, art collecting, gambling, or other such things that are expensive and a waste of money.
I've had a up hill struggle with my partner since we moved in together with coffee. When we first moved in she drank instant and everytime I want to upgrade my coffee maker or try something new its always difficult. while I'm trying to make the perfect cup and constantly trying to improve my coffee she thinks its a waste of money. At the moment I need to pick up a new water filter and of course she tells me to use tap water. I love her but I will admit it fustrating .

It is hard to judge one's financial concerns without knowing one's financial situation. There were times in our marriage my wife felt the need to clamp down on my spending. But there were also times she just thought things I wanted were silly. There have also been times she has encouraged me to buy myself a new toy. :)

One thing I can say about her, however, is she is as tough on herself as she is on me. It is really difficult to get her to spend a little on herself. But it has worked out since I was able to retire fairly early.
It is hard to judge one's financial concerns without knowing one's financial situation. There were times in our marriage my wife felt the need to clamp down on my spending. But there were also times she just thought things I wanted were silly. There have also been times she has encouraged me to buy myself a new toy. :)

One thing I can say about her, however, is she is as tough on herself as she is on me. It is really difficult to get her to spend a little on herself. But it has worked out since I was able to retire fairly early.
At times I do need a firm hand to stop my spendings but having to replace something that's damaged and not that expensive is not the same as me going out and buying a espresso machine.
....but having to replace something that's damaged and not that expensive is not the same as me going out and buying a espresso machine.

Is that the water filter?

What does she drink? Water, beer, tea, soft drinks....
Oddly enough she drinks coffee as well and every time I change something about how I make it (when we first moved in together we lived off instant it was a dark time) she loves it but while I'm trying to make that allusive perfect cup she is happy with whatever were drinking at the time. I suppose she just needs the coffee in the morning and not bothered about taste.
We attended the Chemex brewing class I mentioned earlier. I can't say I learned anything from it but at least, I now feel I'm using the Chemex the correct way.

But, my wife said she enjoyed the class. She admitted afterwards she thought my process of weighing the beans and weighing the water as I poured it was overkill but then she saw the instructor/barista doing it and realized it I must be doing it the right way. The real win for me in this class is she got to use a gooseneck kettle to pour water. Now she is pressuring me to go ahead and get one. :)