Liquid Instant Coffee


New member
Mar 11, 2003
I've never seen instant coffee like this stuff. It is liquid. just add hot water and it supposedly tastes very good.

Thunder Brew link

has anyone tryed liquid instant coffee or anything like it?
Designed to drain your account?

Yeah, I have a great degree of skepticism about the possibility that stuff could be any good or could actually make a profit as a business, except to those selling the stands!
don't be so closed minded...if this is what I think it is for instant it is good
...I actually make this stuff myself...its called toddy. You brew this coffee with cold water....large tea bag sort of(holds 10 pounds) you let it sit for about 24 concentrates the coffee...using cold water it also takes away 3/4 of the acidity. take a small bit of this and add milk and it cooler!
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