espressomaniac maniac said all this Funny stuff in the SMALLER light font:
Pulcinella! glad I pissed you off enough to actually post to the forum, welcome aboard. 1st off and foremost, you cannot, will not and don't have the capacity to irritate me what so ever, in fact, I'm glad you are trying to bust my balls, I'm very much up to the challenge and am happy to address your issues.
Oh really? Hmmm.. Seems I busted them enough to get you very excited!
Parts to start out with. The number ONE distributor in the US happens to be my brothers, this is a double edge sword.
A quick reference email to Conti was answered back with a different answer all together, but if you wish to think your brother is number one, thats great.
In order to do this from Conti's standards, it means you must have a very, very extensive parts inventory, currently I'm looking at the 6 figure area from what I've seen he has on hand. It's located in Washington state, and in fact is the equivelant of a crosssection of the conti warehouse, so parts can be rushed out 24/7 no repair tech can use this as an excuse.
Your brother does this much out of his garage? Who are you trying to kid?
Give us all a break from your boring responses.
The way they are put together are very much standard in the insustry and only a rookie would need a manual. Whey these guys that call themselves repair techs cant' handle it is simply showing their lack of skills. Believe me, any local tech that want's to service a conti very much has local US and abroad parts and support for these machines.
Why then is it that you cannot seem to support the two or three machines out there that you have sold?
I'm not going to even address your personal attack about how I "use" the forums, I'm just talking to other people and helping wherever I can, if they happen to be doing what I'm directly handling, yeah, I'll be able to give them further input. I don't care who they buy from, as long as they are buying upon an informed decision, in fact, I tell people to shop around, I want them to know they are getting the best of every world. I'm sorry if I sound commercial, I not only have alot of pasion about this industry, but I am also making a living on it.
I'm glad you did not adress this! Ha your a funny little man!
Anyway, no hard feelings, I'm happy to agree we disagree, I hope this does clarify things and by all means, this industry is evolving, so hearing input, not matter how critical is welcomed.
Ciao, for now....and oh, you should know that I'm just CLOWNING around.
But I suppose that will just zip right over the top of your little opinionated head as well.