o How often per week do you brew coffee with your Keurig machine? How has that changed over the last year? Once every day; this has remained about the same.
o How has your purchase pattern of K-Cups changed in the last year? Whereas before I would only purchase k-cups on Keurig's website, I now purchase ground coffee and use that in a reusable K-cup filter. I have made this transition due to financial reasons, and it is much better for the environment.
o How long does it take for your Keurig machine to brew your K-Cup? Is that fast enough for you? Less than a minute, which is super fast in my opinion! I recently bought an espresso machine (Bella) for the steaming wand, and I can turn that one on a few minutes before the Keurig, yet the Keurig still beats it!
o Where do you buy your K-Cups? Previously on Keurig's website; now I found it is much cheaper at BJ's wholesale.
o Do you own the reusable K-Cup filter? Do you only use K-Cups or have you tried other company’s beans, like Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? If so, when did you make that change and what do you think of the quality, flavor, taste, convenience compared to K-Cups? Yes, and I have only recently made that change with the purchase of my espresso machine. I now purchase Wellsley Farms (BJ's) decaffeinated ground coffee, which surprised me with its superior aroma and flavor! Although it's more work to prepare than a standard k-cup, it is MUCH cheaper.
o Did you buy the Keurig or get it as a gift? What impact does this have on usage rates? I won it at my school's post prom party. For this reason it's not the most expensive brewer (worth about $99 retail), but I feel I would still pay the full price for this machine based on its convenience and performance so far.
o Have you tried other single cup brewers? What did you think? Would you buy any to replace your Keurig machine? Not really, but I have looked into them online and been interested by them. However, I am currently unwilling to put forth the money for another brewing system since I still have my Keurig and that is working efficiently.
o How has owning/using a Keurig machine impacted your purchase patterns at Starbucks, Peets, Dunkin Donuts, etc…? Whereas before I had only purchased Frappuccinos, I now frequently purchase hot lattes and macchiatos. I have learned a lot more about coffee and became more willing to try different things. Thank goodness!

o Will you buy Folgers and/or Millstone K-Cups when they come out later this year? Doesn't folgers already sell k-cups...? I think I own some...