Kaldi home roaster

Cooling bin: I have seen those little wet/ dry vacs used thru a 5 gallon bucket with a stainless steel perforated colander bowl sitting on top... That might be overkill for that little roaster but something smaller might just work...
Cooling bin: I have seen those little wet/ dry vacs used thru a 5 gallon bucket with a stainless steel perforated colander bowl sitting on top... That might be overkill for that little roaster but something smaller might just work...

The problem with most colanders is that they have holes all over. If your hot coffee only covers the holes on the bottom, the air will be drawn through the holes up the sides and the coffee won't cool effectively.
The smaller the batch size, the easier it is to cool. Typically, however, it is best to have an even bed depth in the cooling tray with no open areas for the air to by-pass the coffee. The objective for the level bed depth is to ensure the resistance the air is subjected on its way to the blower is the same. That way the airflow would be the same throughout and all the coffee in the batch would be cooled in the same manner.
I only drilled holes in the bottom of a metal pan. Works like a charm. I will try and post pics later this week.
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