Is Coffee Safe For Children?

I would not consider giving it to my baby (almost 3) it probably wouldn't hurt her... but when she has hot coco she gets a crazy demented look on her face and then goes bouncing off the walls for a couple of hours. She would be ok but me... I would go two more shades of grey and possible coronary failure! LOL

As for a teenager, I would prefer that she hangs out at a coffee shop than hitting the party, and when she is in college she is free. I plan on being in Belize two minutes after she leaves!

I say that but I will probably be taking here to class still!
I would like to share this img for kid and the answer is yes safe!
Coffee Kid.jpeg
According to me young children shoud have caffeine and coffee has much higher levels than a coke. I have heard that if the child is hpyeractive then giving them coffee actually calms them down.
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I would guess then that my child is not hyperactive! :) Why do you say that you should give a child coffee drinks. I don't even let my child drink coke so I am curious why I should.
Children under 12 are generally recommended to avoid caffeine or to limit its intake.
Caffeine is absorbed very quickly into the body and then passes into the central nervous system. In low doses caffeine can affect the body causing decreased appetite, increased urination, hyperactive behaviour and difficulty sleeping.
More toxic effects such as nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, twitching and agitation may occur when a child consumes more than 4.5 mg of caffeine per pound of body weight (a 12 oz cup of coffee would contain at least 100 mg of caffeine). Severe caffeine toxicity can lead to fits, an increased heart rate and an irregular heart beat or palpitations.
Well every one have own opinion,
I think coffee is so bad for children,
Children can be addict coffee like smocking...and can ruin there teen age life.
capresso mt600 review

I will be sure to buy my three year old a capresso mt600 to help avoid any trouble with her teen years that you have suggested she will have if she starts drinking at an early age!
Potential TMI Warning. Read at your own risk.

At risk of embarrassing myself, I'm going to share my experiences with drinking coffee as a child. My mother allowed me to start drinking black coffee when I was five. I've drank it daily ever since.

When I was 15, my doctor informed me that my early caffeine consumption probably stunted my breast growth. Being a teenager, I immediately gave it up and soon began to notice my breasts growing. I started drinking it again at age 17 after my growth has slowed.

I apologize if this is all TMI, but I'll be honest... I've always wondered if I'd as, err, buxom as the rest of the women in my family if it weren't for my early coffee consumption.
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Hi Katrina,

That was an interesting post. Actually, I'm thinking your doctor may have made up a quick reason to explain why you were slow in "developing" just to stall you from worrying for a while. I have a feeling at 15 you were still maturing and your "growth" was eventually going to happen as nature intended it . . . . with or without caffeine.

Too much caffeine is a bad thing for anyone. I'm not sure I buy into the whole "coffee stunts your growth" we have all undoubtedly been told at one point or another in our lives.

I would think it's OK to let kids try coffee if they are curious, but not let them go overboard of course. Like maybe a tiny tiny cup so they can join mommy and daddy in "grownup" business.

It's likely that's the entire reason they want to drink coffee in the first place to get attention and to feel included in grown up affairs. It can feel pretty bad as a kid if you are an only child, or your brother/sister is too young to really play, or maybe the other kids at the gathering just don't want to play with you, and you attempt to seek attention/acceptance from the adult crowd, however there seems to be this black bubbling liquid keeping them all enthralled... So you ask for it, and they politely tell you to take a hike basically, so eventually you whine about it, they give you a bit, and YUCK... What IS THIS....? But hey, your slurping and sort of the same as the grownups now, you nod your head and slurp and dart your eyes around, even if you don't understand half the stuff they are talking about like the Jone's divorce, or politics, or why someone or other is on a high horse when no one has ridden horses in like a bazillion years...

I digress,

It's probably OK, but I would give it black and small amounts, chances are they won't like it unless it has a lot of sugar in it anyway.
Too much caffeine is a bad thing for anyone. I'm not sure I buy into the whole "coffee stunts your growth" we have all undoubtedly been told at one point or another in our lives.

I would think it's OK to let kids try coffee if they are curious, but not let them go overboard of course. Like maybe a tiny tiny cup so they can join mommy and daddy in "grownup" business.

It's likely that's the entire reason they want to drink coffee in the first place to get attention and to feel included in grown up affairs. It can feel pretty bad as a kid if you are an only child, or your brother/sister is too young to really play, or maybe the other kids at the gathering just don't want to play with you, and you attempt to seek attention/acceptance from the adult crowd, however there seems to be this black bubbling liquid keeping them all enthralled... So you ask for it, and they politely tell you to take a hike basically, so eventually you whine about it, they give you a bit, and YUCK... What IS THIS....? But hey, your slurping and sort of the same as the grownups now, you nod your head and slurp and dart your eyes around, even if you don't understand half the stuff they are talking about like the Jone's divorce, or politics, or why someone or other is on a high horse when no one has ridden horses in like a bazillion years...

I digress,

It's probably OK, but I would give it black and small amounts, chances are they won't like it unless it has a lot of sugar in it anyway.

LOL my wife drinks it sweat creamy and... instant! Our daughter (only child) has to be in between us at all times and in the mix! My wife tried that with her (she is almost 3) and she liked it! I would suggest that it is black because she doesn't like mine at all.

On a side note I thought that I would be the "cool" dad and bought her some Swiss Miss hot coco. You know the one with the marshmallows. (Pathetic dried little buggers) I told her it was her coffee and one morning when she was in the middle jockeying for attention I mixed her up a cup. Boy was that a mistake! Half way through it she started to get crazy eyes. By the time she was finished she was fully wound up and running around the room making strange noises. I know Chocolate has caffeine in it but I didn't think that it would have this much of an effect on her. After we sifted through the wreckage of our living room, I realized her sudden onset of energy was probably from the sugar.

I am not sure if coffee stunts your growth but I am sure that to much of anything that gets our child speaking in tongues is bad for the picture frames! I think she should wait for a few more years (or until college) to drink any of this stuff, I cant afford to repair the house every time she goes off on a sugar/caffeine tirade! LOL :)
LOL my wife drinks it sweat creamy and... instant! Our daughter (only child) has to be in between us at all times and in the mix! My wife tried that with her (she is almost 3) and she liked it! I would suggest that it is black because she doesn't like mine at all.

On a side note I thought that I would be the "cool" dad and bought her some Swiss Miss hot coco. You know the one with the marshmallows. (Pathetic dried little buggers) I told her it was her coffee and one morning when she was in the middle jockeying for attention I mixed her up a cup. Boy was that a mistake! Half way through it she started to get crazy eyes. By the time she was finished she was fully wound up and running around the room making strange noises. I know Chocolate has caffeine in it but I didn't think that it would have this much of an effect on her. After we sifted through the wreckage of our living room, I realized her sudden onset of energy was probably from the sugar.

I am not sure if coffee stunts your growth but I am sure that to much of anything that gets our child speaking in tongues is bad for the picture frames! I think she should wait for a few more years (or until college) to drink any of this stuff, I cant afford to repair the house every time she goes off on a sugar/caffeine tirade! LOL :)

Oh Boy... Some things I can look forward too lol.. I'm going to be a dad fairly soon myself.

Yes, sounds like you were trying to be the cool dad and as they say, "no good deed goes unpunished" lol...

Miss Swiss is loaded with sugar, so it would send any little one into a frenzy lol. Although one question, why not offload the "coffee" in the park? That way she can run around to her hearts content, and then when she winds down you can take her home and she drops off for a nap? That way no picture frames get broken and you keep your peace of mind :)
Ok for teens, I think I would have a few words out with a parent giving there child a drug or stimulant like coffee. They should have plenty of energy just from a good breakfast. Great for my motivation though.
Ye not sure, moderation is key in every type of bevarage/food right. I mean if they can drink lots of coke, they sure can drink coffee (it probably is better for them anyway).

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