IF you had a coffee shop, what would you name it??


New member
May 20, 2005
:grin: I was wondering, since we're all coffee lovers, what would be the perfect name for a coffee shop? Should it be something related to coffee or would a good name have nothing to do with the coffee itself but the area the coffee shop is in?
:shock: Aren't you asking for help? Some people here do own shops, or haven't you read enough? I feel that your coffee itself, and preparation makes a good shop. Just brewin the thought
Bean Girl's Coffee Palace

Go read any article on naming a business and then brainstorm for three days. You'll come up with a good one.
I'll name it after my daughter, and I'll beat the hell out of any guy who tries to ask her out...oh wait, I already did that.
Inspired by your comments about your daughter...

Shotgun Espresso
Roland DeHay's (say it aloud and you'll get it)
javahill said:
Inspired by your comments about your daughter...

Shotgun Espresso
Roland DeHay's (say it aloud and you'll get it)

hahaha, your extra bold nuggets are gonna be mighty sore.
javahill said:
Inspired by your comments about your daughter...

Shotgun Espresso
Roland DeHay's (say it aloud and you'll get it)

hahaha, your extra bold nuggets are gonna be mighty sore.
javahill said:
Inspired by your comments about your daughter...

Shotgun Espresso
Roland DeHay's (say it aloud and you'll get it)

hahaha, your extra bold nuggets are gonna be mighty sore.
The Fix

All the cups would say "there, all better"
The logo would be "get yours"
All the aprons would say "fix me"
I'm going to name mine after my daughter too! :D I don't have to worry about any guy asking her out just yet; she's only two. :P
Not Green(as in coffee)
F me Coffee....don't know why..just has a nice ring
All nude coffee
Beans 'R' Us
N.A.C......Not Average Coffee
can y'all tell I need sleep...think I would stick with Tophers
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