iced mochas

Hello everyone. We're brand new to the forums and our shop has been open since Nov' 04.
What I've found to work well in mixing the iced mocha drink is: pump the chocolate sauce directly into the serving cup, pour the fresh hot shot(s) right into the sauce first, stir with a spoon, then pour in the cold milk followed by plenty of ice. The heat of the shots will thin the chocolate sauce enough to allow stirring without worry of melting the plastic cup. It works flawlessly every time.
Welcome aboard S.E. good to have you here. I don't mean to bust your @#$%*, but the reason I prefer to put the chocolate and hot shots in a different cup is to avoid melting the bottom of the cold cup (plastic). I've seen many times where people have done it in the way you describe and have melted the cup. :lol:
I'll try steves' way tomorrow for myself. Iced mochas are my own personal enjoyment right now so I can expirement with my own....We use dart plastic which is a foam looking cup but its actually some kind of expanded plastic....we use it for hot and cold drinks alike so this won't be a problem for us.
So Celement:

You use the same cup for both iced and hot drinks? Dart is a good cup, we've also tried Dixie, International Paper, but stick with Solo on clear plastic cups for iced drinks and paper for hot. Another reason for the separate cup is I found it takes less time and better consistency on blending.
Coffee Guy said:
So Celement:

You use the same cup for both iced and hot drinks? Dart is a good cup, we've also tried Dixie, International Paper, but stick with Solo on clear plastic cups for iced drinks and paper for hot. Another reason for the separate cup is I found it takes less time and better consistency on blending.

Yes we use the dart cup for all drinks, hot, cold, blended. Its a great cup but it has one severe limitation which is a real problem - the cold dome lids don't stay on well enough - we constantly warned people but they didn't listen and so I had to dump them. Dart makes a nice sealed lid for hot and we use the unsealed type for cold now. Presentation isn't the same - I miss the whip in the clear dome but realize it doesn't last long anyway :)

Well I tried the hot shots this a.m. on my iced Mocha...I honestly couldn't tell much of a difference and if there was any it was that the drink just didn't get cold enough. Maybe more ice would solve that but then I'd feel like I was selling all ice and little drink? Using shots that I chilled earlier and cold milk made for a lot cooler drink and to me - no taste diff...
Iced Mochas

I've never melted a clear solo by adding hot shots to the chocolate sauce. Unless the customer asked for a tiny amount of chocolate, it allows enough buffer to cool the shots.

Regarding the issue of ice, do you use larger iced cups to compensate? All of our iced sizes our 4 oz bigger than the respective hot cups.

We use insulair hot cups which are fantastic. The cost more but when u add the price of java jacket, they're about equal in price, but the insulair actually keeps a drink hotter much longer.


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