I am looking to buy a Roaster

On the show Dangerous Grounds, Todd Carmichael uses a field roaster, a small battery-driven cylinder rotated over a small fuel cell burner. I have yet to see one offered for sale anywhere.
MindX, as to your size I'll tell you our experience. We started with a 10kg.

It was too big.

A 5kg would have been better but our goal was to make this a business, not a hobby that might turn into a business.

In less than six months the 5kg would have been too small and we'd have been spending twice as much time roasting. And now I can see that at some future time, probably next year, we'll have to seriously start thinking about a bigger machine (after we buy the portion and fill machine and monster grinder -- our current bottleneck).

All-in-all the 10kg was the right decision for us because it got us where we wanted to go.

So you really need to give some serious though not to where you want to start, but where you want to go/grow. If you're just doing farmer's markets the 2kg might be just fine but if you're making a good product and are going to get out and knock on doors you could quickly outgrow that machine.

Give it some thought and then try to strike a balance between big enough and too big -- and that's an answer only you can come up with.
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That is the best advice for start ups I have yet to hear. Thank you!
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