How to store coffee beans?

Humm, didn't see that coming! Depends on price, both mason jars opening sizes plus tube is $19 on Amazon, I can't locate what is in the picture on, foodsaver nor Amazon site.
I'll keep an eye open but can't even find on foodsaver website itself...
Those are standard vacuum attachments for large and small mason jars, the picture in your past post shown looks different. In USA, difficult to tell, if north carolina can be considered as part of America! LOL
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Foodsaver sells you these so you can fit on any jars/cans:
View attachment 9952

I see now! I ordered the food saver set of small and large mason jar, this pic threw me off but after seeing them in real life, these are the. Which worked out great as a two pound bag of bean around at same time, so I got it broken down into pint jars to eliminate opening over and over as I use it up. So, great post of yours, mucho help to me!
I know that some people are using freezers, but I've heard that the coffee loses its flavor. I have a friend who owns a coffee shop and he freezes the coffee beans, but I cannot tell that there is a difference between beans that were frozen and fresh beans. Maybe regular coffee drinkers are able to tell the difference. You could use to see if it's safe to freeze different kinds of food. The same friend has told me about that site and now I am able to see which food will not be damaged if it will be frozen. Otherwise, you can get a nasty stomach infection and it's not worth it
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Coffee is just fine in the freezer as long as it is properly sealed up in an air tight container. I only put my beans in the freezer for about a month so their original bag and a zip lock freezer bag work perfectly. Once I let them sit out and defrost completely, they go in a coffee canister with a co2 valve.
I only roast what I intend to drink in 7-12 days. I store them in an Airscape jar.
Ways of storing both 'Green' & 'Roasted' coffee beans

A good preservation needs a good packing. Quality of stored coffee depends on the storing environments as it may lose its taste and value as the time goes on.
Best way to store ‘Green beans’ is in cooled airtight containers.
You can store ‘Roasted beans’ in -
• Airtight plastic container
• Vacuum-sealed wrapping
• Folded-over bag with a pressure relief valve