How many cups of coffee you Drink

Where did you get your information when you wrote:

"Upgraded coffee is processed in a way that prevents mycotoxins from growing on the beans. Mycotoxins are an energy robbing, inflammatory molds that grow on coffee beans if not process correctly. Even most high priced organic coffee beans have mycotoxins on them."
1-3 a day, just depends.

I've read in a science research article that drinking a good quality coffee (that's not poorly roasted) 3 times a day can halve the risk of liver cancer; proven to prevent diabetes, a known risk factor for liver cancer; and it also has beneficial effects on cirrhosis and lover enzymes to repair the liver. :)

Hey Rodriguezkaffe, you are right. One must not drink unlimited coffee. Drinking it more can harm our liver:neutral:
Last time I got diarrhea after eating 8 peaces of KFC chicken. :-( Arrr... Excess of anything is bad for us, isn't it Jennifer? Then why we are maligning the name of coffee? Drink coffee once in the morning and once in the afternoon or in the evening (avoid in nights unless you want to stay awake). That much consumption is absolutely healthy and safe!
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I drink coffee from 5 a.m. till 3 p.m. I learned my lesson years ago. If you drink coffee you need to drink lots of water...if not your kidneys will let you know that you need water.
I usually start the day with a breakfast blend on the pour over, follow it up with a shot of spro at lunch time, and my favorite Sumatra on drip post dinner.

This is for fun facts only, I want every member to say how many cups of coffee he/she drinks each day.

As for me, I drink two cups of coffee each day.

:!: :)

One cup during the breakfast, one during my working break at around 10 a.m., another two cups in the afternoon.
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