How many cups of coffee you Drink

I can now easily have 4 mugs of coffee daily but (as I also mentioned this earlier in some other post), deliberately I do make keep it to 3 most of the time and also sometimes 4. :coffee1:
I like to drink a cup of coffee in a day because it keeps me active all the day. Too much coffee causes some health problems so i think only one cup of coffee is enough to drink.
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I like to drink a cup of coffee in a day because it keeps me active all the day. Too much coffee causes some health problems so i think only one cup of coffee is enough to drink.

You have a great amount of self control. :) I know many people (myself included) that sometimes after that first cup of coffee we enter into that "moooooore" phase... And want another cup.. And then a little while later... another cup!

It's not just about the caffeine in terms of wanting more.. It's the taste, the aroma, the feeling of contentment, and how the world just sort of slips away, if even for a moment when you have that cup of coffee..

The Henderson file can wait, the boss yelling fades away, the wife reminding you to buy milk on the way home, the neighbors dog who was leaving a nice present on your lawn in the morning, the irate customer... All of that fades as you sip away at bliss.... It's almost like in those movies where time slows down, and the main character finds themselves in like a meadow where time seems to come to a halt, and for the moment... Everything is at peace...

But then.. once you finish the cup of coffee, reality comes crashing back down on you, and you get back to the daily "grind'.... :D I made a funny! It wasn't even intentional!

So, that I think leads me at least to want at least an extra cup or two throughout the day.....
I have now lately been in the habit of drinking 4 cups of coffee everyday. I was earlier on 3 or 4 each day but now I am strictly on 4 cups of coffee every single day. However, I won't like to go over 4 cups of coffee daily. :coffee:
2 a day, usually cafe lattes, usually made at home. Would love to drink more, but then I'm buzzing all night!

Looks like we'll have to redo this thread.

Don't think we established what a "cup" is. :)