HotTop damage during shipping - safe to use?

Had success getting a more even roast by lengthening the roast time (drying phase in particular) and ejecting higher, at 412F. The lighter (uneven) roast actually tasted pretty good (black tea!) while it was hot. Once it cooled, however, it was overpoweringly grassy and sour. Dark roast was somewhat unremarkable in taste, but I don't have the best palette.,1DIcbiD
looking much better!
Hi Willroc7

Did you try to post an image by way of imgr? It doesn't seem to be working.

Try opening a message window and then click on Go Advanced (bottom right)

Go down to the second row of icons and hover over the little pictures until you find the one that says Insert Image.
Click on that, and follow the instructions to insert your image, either from your computer or by using a URL for the photo (from where you are storing your photos - such as imgr)


This forum actually restricts new users from posting images until they have a postcount of 5. Which with this post, I now do! Hooray!:-D
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