Hope this is the right place to post, we provide Mobile Punch Cards for marketing.


New member
Aug 22, 2012
MobileLoyal.net is a new company, we've just launched our mobile loyalty program. We offer a mobile punch card that not only allows customers to keep their punch card on their phones but also to sign up for your text message marketing. I don't know if a program like ours is allowed on the Coffee Forums but we are primarily focused on the coffee industry and are trying to get the word out. Thank you!

If you have any questions feel free to contact us at MobileLoyal.net
Rodney Oaks
Hello "MobileLoyal" (Rodney)

Welcome to the Coffee Forums website.

Thank you for posting your message to the Business to Business (B2B) section of the forum. I appreciate how you introduced yourself and explained what you're offering.

Many of our Forum members are embracing what technology has to offer, and I'm sure the mobile punch card on the phones will be something worth considering as time goes on.

Again, thanks for joining the forum. We hope you'll visit us often.

Hello mobileloyal;
Had a quick look at your website. Can you tell me if there are any other costs involved in setting this up? How much management does the monthly fee include or is all website information our responsibility? Is the only real benefit of this over facebook/twitter the loyalty program and convenience? Is there a minimum timeframe required by contract?
Brian, there are no other costs involved. The goal of our program is to give you a loyalty program that gets customers to join. When they join, they get the benefits of your loyalty program but also they'll receive your text and/or e-mail marketing messages (they get to choose what they want to receive).

The only real management you'll need to do is send out text message updates (coupons, specials, event reminders, etc). These messages will go out to your customers who have signed up for your loyalty program. Additionally, when customers sign up to use your program, they'll also be able to post about it on FB or Twitter.

If needed, we can do the sending out of your messages for you. All you'll need to do is e-mail it to us and we'll get it out at no extra charge.

The biggest benefit over just using FB and Twitter is that you have a loyalty program bringing customers back which also lets them join your text marketing program.

Hope I've answered all of your questions!

Thank you,
Services still offerred????

You're website errors on me and shuts down. Is this service still available? would love to read more on it.

Rod, that's strange, we haven't heard of or seen any errors on the site. Mobile Loyalty Program is the link. Thanks for letting me know, please let me know if you see any other issues.

Rod, have you been able to see the site? I just want to make sure that it's running ok for everyone. Thanks!
hei hai...my friend had started a franchise bussiness (coffee and chocolate store) 8 months ago but the sales are not up to the bench mark..will any one of you please suggest to improve the sales of the store??
he wants to conduct an event to get published..will you suggest any event for dat..
Kavitha, if they don't already do it, one way to get people in is to find local bands/artists to perform in the store. This way the band/artist will also be working to get their friends and fans to come out to see them at your friends store. I would also recommend making sure that the atmosphere and products are high quality - nothing can kill a coffee shop quicker than bad coffee!

Another key factor is Social marketing. Make sure your friend has at very least, a Facebook page for his business and make sure to let all of his customers know about it.

Finally, I'd also recommend setting up our Loyalty program - it allows customers to earn rewards when they come back to visit but it also includes text message marketing. It's free to start, more details can be found at mobileloyal.net.
I realize it's been some time since this article was published, but I too see that the website referenced is no longer available. That said, we offer a Coffee Shop Loyalty Rewards solution like no other available today. Best of all, we offer a free trial, month-to-month service and support Customer Engagement, Customer Retention, Email / Text-Message Promotion, Social Media Promotion, Reputation Management and Customer Loyalty Rewards.
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