Hipster Coffee

While in CA. on business I went to visit a roaster I know in the LA area. A lot of their profiles are what I think are very short, with final times being between 10:15 and 12:45 with final temps between 412-416. I tried several of their coffees and only found 1 or 2 I would want to drink on a regular basis. The majority had very little body and very light flavor, but that's just my opinion. Of course I don't wear suspenders, a top hat/Derby, skinny jeans and a ratty beard. That seems to be the "Hipster" uniform were I live.
I think the old school vs. new school debate with respect to this thread appears one-sided, given the lack of comments supporting light roasts. Personally I prefer a 4 - 6 minute profile. I charge at 550deg, leave gas at 10" of WC for the entire roast to scorch the beans as best I can and dump at 275deg. My clients tend to love the grassy notes and compare them to "beautiful grass like you find at the White House" not that "crab grass that makes you itchy if you roll around in it." As long as my customers are happy, I'll continue to bring my times down to my ultimate goal of a one minute roast. I think the sweet spot is right between grass and hay and btw, who needs that FC stuff? We're not making popcorn, we're making COFFEE ! : )
Hogfish - what are you roasting on? I'm surprised you don't have a significant charring / tipping issues dropping that hot.
Hogfish - what are you roasting on? I'm surprised you don't have a significant charring / tipping issues dropping that hot.

I'm fairly certain Hogfish's comment was tongue-in-cheek. :-)
I'm fairly certain Hogfish's comment was tongue-in-cheek. :-)

Breifne, you are correct! :coffee: I apologize Musicphan for being misleading, I was just trying to bring some light/humor into the mix.
I think the old school vs. new school debate with respect to this thread appears one-sided, given the lack of comments supporting light roasts. Personally I prefer a 4 - 6 minute profile. I charge at 550deg, leave gas at 10" of WC for the entire roast to scorch the beans as best I can and dump at 275deg. My clients tend to love the grassy notes and compare them to "beautiful grass like you find at the White House" not that "crab grass that makes you itchy if you roll around in it." As long as my customers are happy, I'll continue to bring my times down to my ultimate goal of a one minute roast. I think the sweet spot is right between grass and hay and btw, who needs that FC stuff? We're not making popcorn, we're making COFFEE ! : )
bwahahahahaaa! awesome.
Tim Wendelboe recently posted a video about roasting on youtube
Roasting lighter is challenging to achieve proper development and do it consistently. With better roasting software,data monitoring and better roaster control. We can make better use of cupping and making small profile tweaks in finding the best natural representation. Light roasting shouldn't be taken lightly, there's a lot to understand. Too often as many here mention is not achieved and the off results not drinkable, yet served.
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When someone says that is what they prefer, do they take it as it is, espresso or as a latte/cappuccino?

I'll always find it weird to hear someone prefer the aromatic notes in a medium-light roast but dunk it loaded with milk.
The only way to allow the flavours to still surface is to heavy dose at above traditional levels.

Depends on the origin of beans, more likely than not, ligher roast will make brighter and more sour tasting coffee.

Like someone mentioned earlier, over-roasting is as unacceptable as under-roasting.

Though i do prefer a lighter roast, but i can tell casual drinkers prefer something darker.
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