High Blood Pressure


New member
Mar 1, 2021
Hey coffee lovers,

My partner went to the dentist on Friday and they had to postpone his dental work due to extremely high blood pressure. He drinks a LOT of coffee. Has anyone ever dealt with this? What did you do?

He will give up coffee if he has to. Just wondering if anyone has experience with cutting out caffeine and that having a positive effect on lowering BP. I've found conflicting info online. Thanks.
This one is a no brainer really. If you have high blood pressure, drinking coffee won't help that. But the cause isn't the coffee. The cause can be hereditary but more likely a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet. Fix the diet and get regular exercise and the blood pressure will come down on it's own most likely. If your friend drinks a lot of coffee, he will be well advised to cut down on the coffee until he gets the blood pressure dealt with. He may need some meds to start out. If it's a lack of exercise and poor diet, fixing those two would go a long way towards being able to do it without meds. But he doesn't want to ignore it. Long term high blood pressure can lead to scar tissue on the kidneys and reduced kidney function, which is permanent. I had undiagnosed high blood pressure apparently and I now have Chronic Kidney Disease. Don't mess with high blood pressure. There's a reason it's called the silent killer.
I drink a lot of coffee and don't have such problems. Maybe there is another cause of the high blood pressure?
I drink 4 cups of coffee every day and I've started experiencing high blood pressure as well. So I've started taking Vitamine C and a couple more supplement ordered online . So far I must say it helps. I know I should just drink less coffee but I prefer to solve it this way for now.
At my wellness check 2 weeks ago, my BP was high for the 1st time. About 150/105 on one of the machines. Always normal before.
Doc wrote up med’s, since I don’t smoke and walked out. Follow up in a month.
I haven’t started them and have been tracking at home, with a mixed bag of readings.
Some are about 150/105, some lower like 130/90. Half the time it gives me an error.

I started 45 minutes walks and 30 minute workout videos, alternate days.
Cut coffee from 3-4 to 1 cup, which sucked for a week. Ok now.
Diet is next, no salt and cut portions.
I don’t booze. occasional beer or glass of wine.
Stress is ok too.

Im not crazy about Online Pharmacy meds...yet.
Don’t want to pop pills for the rest of my life.
Could be hereditary , but I feel it is correctable with some effort.
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Doctors have no idea what causes most cases of high blood pressure. If doctors rule out a small number of known unpleasant things that could be the cause, you fall into the category of "essential hypertension."

If your BP is so high that no amount of lifestyle changes can fix it. You will need to take medication, especially since your lifestyle is already better than most.
Doctors have no idea what causes most cases of high blood pressure. If doctors rule out a small number of known unpleasant things that could be the cause, you fall into the category of "essential hypertension."

If your BP is so high that no amount of lifestyle changes can fix it. You will need to take medication, especially since your lifestyle is already better than most.
Absolutely agree with you. I also want to add, for people who have decided to give up coffee in favor of tea due to high blood pressure. Friends, a mug of green tea will contain exactly half the caffeine of the same volume of a cup of coffee. The difference is not very big, but unlike coffee, you don’t have to worry that tea will be addictive.
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Drinking too much coffee cause high blood pressure which is not good for your health, so drinking 2 or 3 cups of coffee is enough per day.
I had a friend who also had high blood pressure and doc said cut back on the coffee. He did but not the amount but the process. He went from drinking espresso and french press all day to filtered coffee all day..results? His blood pressure dropped.
In my opinion, just giving up coffee may not be enough to lower his blood pressure. Drinking too much coffee can certainly raise high blood pressure, but there might be other factors at play that you haven't noticed yet. Did the doctor give any other suggestions for managing his high blood pressure?
Doctors have no idea what causes most cases of high blood pressure. If doctors rule out a small number of known unpleasant things that could be the cause, you fall into the category of "essential hypertension."

If your BP is so high that no amount of lifestyle changes can fix it. You will need to take medication, especially high blood pressure herbs since your lifestyle is already better than most.
Hey, I had large consumption of coffee in the past and I wonder that's the big reason of my high blood pressure nowadays. Although, bear might be a reason but I don't think so about it. One of my friend suggested me to go for herbal supplements instead of other medicines. What you guys think? Can herbal supplements lower down high blood pressure?
Hey, I had large consumption of coffee in the past and I wonder that's the big reason of my high blood pressure nowadays. Although, bear might be a reason but I don't think so about it. One of my friend suggested me to go for herbal supplements instead of other medicines. What you guys think? Can herbal supplements lower down high blood pressure?
The active life of caffeine in the system is a matter of hours and if it affected blood pressure it'd likely do so for that brief bit, then resume to your normal baseline. Keep in mind that when something like caffeine is consumed repeatedly for long periods the body will become somewhat immune to it and requires more for the same expected effect. Every single person is different and it is hilarious and ridiculous to read what others claim is 'so bad... blah, blah, blah'

Lemme give you a quick rundown of my approach. I've had higher blood pressure for years, mainly caused by long term necessary corticosteroid use for severe asthma. No other way around it as the often suggested natural approach nearly caused lung collapse due to an allergic reaction to ginseng if I recall. Anyway, it's pretty well managed with a few meds and I have no issues controlling my dietary/sodium intake, etc. 5 yrs ago I unknowingly inhaled a fungus that ultimately led to cryptococcal meningitis, basically a severe fungal infection of the brain lining. Well the infection and much needed aggressive treatment ended up causing 2 small strokes. Not knowing exactly what might be to blame at first I immediately reduced sodium, even caffeine for a bit then after more testing was done found out the root cause and my lifestyle with coffee, etc. played NO part whatsoever. I told my neurologist about my espresso addiction as being something I'll simply never give up at all and they agreed saying my caffeine intake is clearly well tolerated and shows no signs of affecting my health negatively.

Last week for 2 days I pushed the caffeine intake a bit higher than my normal... did my usual 5 doubles (espresso) in a 2 hr or so timeframe and within a few hrs consumed an energy drink with 300 mg. So I would estimate the total caffeine intake to be 800-900 mg in that span, which is double the often (lame) recommended max daily amount for healthy adults. I took blood pressure readings soon after that and it was 108/64 with a resting pulse in the low 70s. Even took a short nap soon afterward, so in all honesty I believe it'd take upwards of 2 grams of caffeine in a 3-4 hr. timeframe for me to feel the least bit of an effect. The only person alive that knows what you can safely/easily consume is YOU, so don't be swayed by the comments so many are willing to push.
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