Help Needed Setting Up Artisan Software for SF-6.


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Feb 7, 2016
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I've spent the last week trying to set my San Franciscan 6 roaster with Artisan Software with no success. I'm hoping that someone has a similar set up, and could offer some advice, as I'm about to run out of hair to pull out.
My Current Set Up: SF-6 roaster with serial port installed at the factory, Mac running OS X 10.9.5 , Artisan 0.9.8 Software, SerialComm Isolated USB to RS485/422 Converter.
My Current Situation: I have installed and set up the Artisan Software as per the recommendation from Artisan creator, and the additional posts on their website tread More Modbus. My Mac recognizes and is talking to the SerialComm converter, but I am receiving no inputs from there roaster as far as i can tell. Additionally artisan returns the Error Modbus Error: connect() [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/cu.usbserial-FTY6IGEV'@line 25100.. Also the the RXD light on the SerialComm converter shows no data from the roaster itself.
I'm not sure if I'm dealing with a software configuration issue, or a setting on the Watlow EZ Zone PID. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
These Artisan settings work for my San Franciscan and Watlow EZ Zone PM6. Your Comm port may be different.

Artisan SF-1 Modbus Setup.jpg

Hope that helps.
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Thanks for the Help.. I seem to be running into the same issues. I truly appreciate you sharing your set up with me. We had pretty much the same config, except for a few changes. Unfortunately, i seem to be getting the same error.
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Affirm. I have it installed and it seems to be talking to the computer with out an issue. A few people have had to edit the code for the driver to add the converter. However when i look at the code it appears to already be a device that is supported by the generic driver. I appreciate your help, or any other ideas you may have.