It is definitely great informations you provided. In my mind Web hulled was a better process and gave a nice blue taint to the beans. You popped my bubble better thing that I know exactly what it is about. This is a bit disapointing for Indonesian coffee. This is something to think about now as my only way to make it livable as a business is to make it as a premium product.
Indonesia/Wet Hulled beans are mostly used for espresso blend due to its heavy body and lack of acidity. You can not really use them for premium product (I guess you meant specialty coffee/micro lots) which demands much more money from customers.
I am not so sure whether you are familiar with specialty /micro/nano lot or not, but specialty coffee means 85 points & up on SCAA cupping scores. the coffee must have all the flavors & aromas that are required to be specialty coffee and some of the biggest flavors/aroma..etc are "sweetness, acidity and clean after taste..etc" which lack big time with Indonesian coffees.
that is why they people talk about the best countries for the best coffees.... Ethiopia, Kenya, Colombia & Guatemala in this order. (I think that you need to do some more research or study to do about specialty coffees)
If I were you, I would buy these great specialty grean beans from most reputable green bean importers in Canada and USA. Of course, pricing won't be cheap and you will have a lot of other roasters/retails to compete with. to say honestly, it won't be easy.