Fresh Cup Roadshow

Comfy Place

New member
Jul 15, 2006
My wife and I are going to attend the Fresh Cup Roadshow in Minneapolis this weekend, and we are very much looking forward to it. I would like to hear from those of you that have attended one of the previous Roadshows earlier this year: Pheonix, Long Beach, Tampa, or St. Louis. Others may also be interested in this, as there are other shows coming up in Dallas and Pittsburgh later this year.

What were some of the most useful ideas/concepts that you took away from the show(s)? What were some of the least interesting things at the show(s)? Is there something that wasn't covered at the show(s) you attended that you wish would have been? What changes do you intend to implement in the next 6-12 months that are directly relatable to your experiences at the show(s)?

I think that these travelling shows are a great idea for the industry, because so many independant coffeehouses, like myself, would not otherwise be able to attend quality shows/seminars. I would like to see this continue for many years; who knows, maybe someone putting these shows together will look on these discussion boards to get good input for next year's shows! Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us.
Fresh Cup Roadshow - Report

Just wanted to post a report from our experience this past weekend attending the Fresh Cup Roadshow in Minneapolis:

We had a great time, met a lot of new people, got to chat with a number of reps, both potential and current, and attended a number of seminars that gave us a lot to think about with our coffeehouse.

I would recommend that anyone with the ability to attend one of the next shows in Dallas or Pittsburgh do so. You will not be disappointed with what you learn and see. If anyone is interested in some specifics of our time at the Show, contact me privately with your questions.
Is it worth the money to attend the Seminars at the Roadshow? I am very interested in the Barista training it worth 200.00 bucks?

Hey there Darren,

thanks for posting the review. I'm going to the one in Philly in October. Can't wait.

Training Seminars

To be honest, we didn't attend the training seminars that cost extra money - we didn't feel that we would get a lot of value out of it. Now, I could very well be wrong, we might have gotten a lot of value out of it, but since we chose not to go, we'll never know.

For what its worth, if you feel that your skills as a barista are lacking and you haven't been able to notice any advancement in your skills, either with the foaming of the milk, pouring, dealing with the grinder and tamping (which doesn't matter if you use a super-auto; we have just an auto), or other areas, then you may find it worth while. I believe that the main individual that presents them is Matt Milletto, and I can say that he is quite knowledgable and can answer your questions that you have. I saw him in the latte art demonstration, and he has his stuff down pat. Speaking of latte art, be sure to go to that demo, its very cool!

As for the other seminars, as I'm sure you know by now, they are all free. By all means, attend as many as you are able to - you should still have enough time in the exhibit hall to speak with the company reps that really interest you. By the way, here's a tip for anyone going: show up at the exhibit hall just as the reps are tearing down their booths, as they would rather give away their samples rather than tote them home. We got whole bean coffee, some nice ceramic and travel mugs, a bunch of different syrups from different vendors, etc.. Its a virtual gold mine! Let me know if you have any other questions, or just send me a message.

Thanks for the kind words, I enjoy doing the latte art demo and encourage any and all to come out for the roadshows. Even if you do not attend the paid classes, the free seminars are always of good value.

The roadshows are a fun place to gather especially for those who cannot travel or make it to the larger tradeshows.

See you in Dallas.

- Matt
Thanks so much!

Wow! Thanks so much for all the great information about the Coffee Road Show. I appreciate all the detailed info...I am definitely going to the show on the 8th and 9th of September...can you see all the booths in 1 day or should I plan on attending both days? I live 3 hrs from dallas, so I will be staying the night in the Hyatt. This is a great forum, thanks everyone!!

Monica in Atlanta, TX.
Road Show Seminars

I would recommend attending both days of the Roadshow - we did. There are seminars on both days that are definitely worth attending. Yes, you could possibly make it to those booths/vendors that you really want to speak with in one day, but I feel that you would miss other opportunities to speak with other vendors that carry competing items to what you have already, and you might miss out on some good ideas. I would tell you to stay at the hotel and go to both days. Having gone to both days, I recommend it for the seminars and to have the time to chat with the vendors and get good conversations and share ideas.
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