Favorite food to eat while drinking coffee?

Hello "nikkole"

Do you really think everything tastes good with coffee? Even things like asparagus, brussel sprouts, spinach, and cucumbers?

By the way....welcome to the Coffee Forum. We have fun here.

I don't do it often, but my favorite is the classic donut. There is just something about that combination. Take a sip of coffee after a bite of donut, and it brings the donut taste to a whole different level.

Darn... now I need to head down to the basement freezer and tend to my stock of filled Krispy Kremes with chocolate icing...
The local coffee shop I frequent has these brownies, plain chocolate brownies......they are delightfully sinful. Well, they're actually addictive but I was good yesterday, just a vanilla hazelnut iced coffee - (only flavoring, no sugar) AND I only stared at the brownies and daydreamed. Man, cold turkey on the good stuff is just a total letdown because the real reward of abstaining is the long term payoff but your instant gratification is just left to die in the sun. Your taste buds are screaming chocolate brownies and coffee are AWESOME! But then you walk out with no goodies and at the beginning being good doesn't feel so great......you really want to say screw all this and give me the good stuff but it's so habit forming you have to control it, uuuggghhh! Being Good and thinking ahead just really sucks sometimes!

Signed, Dreaming of Brownies.......and Coffee.
Hi "theperfectcoffeecup"

I know your pain!

One thing that worked for me was to imagine bugs, such as ants and roaches crawing all over the brownies. That helps curb the cravings.

Once I worked in a coffee shop where I often saw the manager drop brownies and muffins on the floor and pick them up and put them in the display case anyway. When I asked her about it, she said "Everyone does it. What the customers don't know won't hurt them." That's enough to make anyone think twice about buying pastries in a coffee shop!
