Favorite coffee creamer?

I make my own creamer for customers. I use the flavoring that I use for flavored coffee and I use real half and half. Most of the creamers on the market are made from hydrogenated oils. They leave a greasiness behind where mine is very smooth.
I normally drink my coffe black... but when i make something like a latte i use coconut milk. I don't consume dairy... and coconut works much better with coffee than rice or soy.
I use my coffee mini mixer it foams. Then boiled milk, foam and it is from these 2 drugs can make a great latte
Then boiled milk once it is inserted into the foam mixer is made of milk from these two preparations may make a great latte
So dude, can you share the whole recipe of it. I'm really curious. I mean, I never
took notice of varients.
Now interested in it. Would you accommodate. If some coffee recipe book could be
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Here in Canada the cream of choice is 18% which is pretty rich. Tim Horton's uses this and that is why alot of coffee drinkers are hooked on Timmy's.
My favorite creamer is Irish Cream .......
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I like the original coffee taste the real thing with cream or milk only. Can't like any of that chemical flavored.
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Here in Canada the cream of choice is 18% which is pretty rich. Tim Horton's uses this and that is why alot of coffee drinkers are hooked on Timmy's.
My favorite creamer is Irish Cream .......

You got me at Tim Hortons... I used to drink a alrge triple triple before work on those cold days... Miss Tim Hortons, in my opinion some of the best coffee in the world came from there. Coupled with a good old fashioned plain donut, or chili in a bread bowl... It was always good :)

On the topic of the Irish Cream, I like using it as well. Although I prefer Bailey's for that ;)
Unfortunately Brian... There is... And you really don't want to run across it....


Yeah, low and behold the most vile Irish Cream on the face of the planet...

I really really really really REGRET letting someone put that in my gourmet coffee... It is Bailey's or bust.. I'd rather go without than put any other of these "sour creams" in my coffee again.. It was like... I don't know how to even explain it.. Like a synthetic taste, almost like if you put new fabric in your mouth.... You know like table cloth fabric brand new, got that chemical type smell to it? Well imagine the taste and that's what it was...

Never again.... Never again...
I don't know whether this is nice or not, but better try.
put coffee powder into the pot of water to cook it over the fire, allow it to boil and then drink slowly and feel the difference.
I don't know whether this is nice or not, but better try.
put coffee powder into the pot of water to cook it over the fire, allow it to boil and then drink slowly and feel the difference.

Just a question... What does this have to do with coffee creamer? I don't see coffee creamer mentioned anywhere in what you just wrote...

Also, are you talking about instant coffee, or are you talking about ground coffee? difference you know :) I mean boiling instant coffee, sounds kind of nasty...

And if you don't know if it's good or not, why have us try it? Try it out on yourself first and then post your findings ;)