Farmers Market w/o Electricity

No doubt Coffee Lovers, love talking or writing about coffee
Thanks Mr. Peaberry for bringing the auto-correct error to my attention, and thanks Rose for always reading my mind lol
Hi Kbeans,

I must say, Chef David is the man! All good stuff.

Possibly this will help you as well: I sell coffee to a very enterprising young man who runs a coffee shop out of the back of his car. He's the mobile barista. He's got a pop-up 'tent' that he pulls his car into to stay out of the rain and people drive up and he serves them out of the back of the car. He works from a lay-by on the side of a busy commuter street. He has a propane espresso machine. For grinding he's got a big truck battery that he recharges every night. He serves coffee from 7am till 2pm and runs pretty steady all day.

So maybe the truck battery for grinding could work for you?
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@ChefDavid Thanks again for a very helpful response. Your tips and suggestions are very helpful. There are a few things I didn't think about. I completely agree with you about business insurance, especially after the Chipotle incidents. Sound like I have a lot more due diligence to do!

That space sounds awesome! Expensive, but sounds like high sales potential. Like you said, higher rent usually means better locations and higher earning potential. It will probably be a while before I am looking for a brick and mortar location, but if you'd like to share, I will gladly take their contact info.

Again, thank you for your help David!
@expat Chef David is the man for sure! I haven't thought about a battery...that is a great idea! I appreciate it.
we started selling in farmers market. first of we started selling the beens only then we moved to hot coffee the effort we put to the latte espresso based drinks was not worth it soon we find out our customers were more into cold brew , Nitro coffee. yes nitro coffee we used very silent 3000w Honda generators to power the freezer for nitro we did well for the past two years. it is a bit hassle loading and unloading the nitro and generators into the van but it worth it.
here is a quick pic. I will update and explain
Excellent posts Chef David. You have given this about as thorough an answer as could have been imagined. Kudos for your generosity!​

Thanks chefdavid for your detailed and step by step guide and your instructions are very helpful..Thanks for sharing information about coffee business.Thanks once again
I could not have an open flame at the markets I did. I got a $900 2000W Honda generator and it ran 2 water boilers and a grinder. I brought 1.5gal pots pre-brewed with hot and iced coffee on a big Fetco and then made pour-overs when someone wanted something different. Did it every weekend, summer and winter, for 3 years.

Because I did everything right from the start, setting up a bonafide business, liability insurance, got state and local permits etc., when the time came and I was asked to compete to be the coffee vender at a swanky new indoor food market, I was ready and able to say yes. The rest is history.

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