Espresso vs Coffee Bean

S.O.S. (Single Origin Shots)

Something my buisness partneer and I have been palying around with lately, and becoming more common in the industry is espresso made with one type of coffee. Surprisingly, you can get some extraordinary results this way. My current favorite is espresso made with coffee from Paua New Guinea. Very full bodied and rich, with strong berry and nut tones.
I would say that S.O.S is a step further on from the tradditional espresso approach. Some of the big international hotels here follow this approach with varried results. A very good quality bean will yield results when extracted via an espresso machine. The problem is that the espresso extraction method also will bring out flaws in the bean (both flaws from origin-ie: pre roast as well as those that may have occured during and post roast). Over all I must say I still prefer an espresso blend where the inticacies of several compatable origins can be tasted. However I too have several single origin beans that I like to drink as espresso....surprise, surprise one is a PNG as well! :grin:
flushed face
gastrointestinal disturbance
muscle twitching
rambling flow of thought and speech
tachycardia or cardiac arrhythmia
periods of inexhaustibility
psychomotor agitation

check,check,check,check,check,check, gastrointestinal disturbance? ...check,check,check,check,check,check.