espresso machine

While we''re off topic and on the subject of correct spelling. CCafe should perhaps have a second look at his signature... :grin:

It's not an old age symptom to not understand kids today. The English language is a complicated one that begs an occasional play on words.

There was pig latin, then ebonics, now internet lingo and text messaging. It's hard to keep track of it all and I sometimes find myself not remembering the correct spellings anymore. It's easier just to use the short cuts and easier pronunciations of words. I guess that's okay and I think we can handle the challenge.

MODERATORS: If we're short on disk space, please feel free to delete ALL of my part in the booger thread diaries to free up some extra space. :D

U2, INXS, ABBA! Let's not forget Anne's ROTFLMAO! Fo shizzle! :D
Hello again,

Now that Murtle545 has joined us, maybe she'd willing to help translate some Internet lingo.

We can help her with her coffee questions, and she can help us.

By the took me a while to figure out what ROTFLMAO and OMG meant.

And I'm not that old..

caffe biscotto said:
MODERATORS: If we're short on disk space, please feel free to delete ALL of my part in the booger thread diaries to free up some extra space. :D

Its simply a waste. Were not saying were short on anything, but you have to take in account for space and bandwidth. It gets more expensive with the more you use. Since the forum doesn't charge a fee someone is footing the entire bill minus any add revenue.
Davec, you're a riot! Either that or you'll start one with your itsy bitsy signature. HA! You're just too much. Ccafe has his hands full with you.

Anyway, I ran a few words through the anagram server and picked a good one:

"Mocha lattes" rearranged = "Eat hot clams"
Hello again...

I love the anogram web site!

Another thought .... You know, these animated coffee beans take up lots of server space, especially when you add up how many times they're used.

:-D = 2352 bytes

:) = 2460 bytes

:lol: = 1485 bytes

Do you think we should go on a diet and cut them out for a while?

Better idea - More choco puffs, less "quoting" posters.

Quoting a poster is essentially doubling the space that the original poster intended to use in the first place. I motion to have the quote option reserved only for emergencies.

Again I say, Keep the Puffs. :D
I tried putting the word "starbucks" through the anagram server....don't know why I hadn't done it before...brings up more results than you would think.

I liked "Burst Sack" best....sounded painful.
Batavier said:
While we''re off topic and on the subject of correct spelling. CCafe should perhaps have a second look at his signature... :grin:


This just popped into the thread. It wasn't there before.???

Anyway, must we continue with the CCafe bashing? I think he's been through enough and is doing a good job of staying on top of things here.

Do we have to constantly bring up all of his many shortcomings?

(Boy, am I just begging to be ousted by the forum kings or what?) :D

That posting from Batavier was there a few days ago. I'm surprised you didn't see it. I think it was originally on on page one of this thread, but somehow it ended up on the top of page two.

CCafe is doing a great job of keeping the forum members in line.
As you know, it's a tough job ... but somebody has to do it.

Please be nice to our friend, CCafe. You don't want to get booted out!


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