Espresso machine: which one

I could not disagree more, there’s no room to learn and improve on a super-auto.
What he @tangysavvy said. Learn the art with a manual machine. Way more fun and the potential for infinite variety

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Hi everyone! I'm quite new in coffee making.

I think many of you like drinking espresso. I'm not an exception and I want to buy my own espresso machine (I have never had this before).

The main question is which one to buy. If I'm not mistaken, there are at least two types of these machines: automatic and semi-automatic. Which one is better? I've read some
articles already and now I'm thinking about semi-automatic espresso machine with cappuccino function (because I love cappuccino too) Did someone use this machine? Or could recommend another one? My budget is $170 now but if there will be a really good machine for higher price I'll think about to rise my budget.

All thoughts and suggestions are appreciated!
Sounds like your budget has one zero missing. Work harder and save more, life is too short to drink bad espresso.
I think KRUPS EA9010 is already discontinued. I had one and it's pretty good when it works. But when it's failed, it's a nightmare trying to fix it. Germans know how to make simple things more complicated will be the conclusion when you touch it.
I realize this is an old thread, but another curious novice might come along and read it at a later date.

First of all, and opinion upon the opinions itself. I have had a large number of hobbies throughout my life. The responses here sound like what what seen in Motorcycle/Car-Racing/Machining/Welding/Engraving forums. A large percentage of the people here want a "tool" which provides repeatable results with the minimum of fuss. This is a very common mind-set. To a novice, their opinions will sound like "cost is no object".

However, newbies often don't have the budget for the "ideal" machine which will render such results. The original poster put down a dollar limit which was largely unworkable for a GREAT cup of expresso. To some degree, skill can allow for the use of lesser equipment, but newbies rarely walk in the door with that level of skill. That lack of knowledge/skill often results in poor results with less-expensive equipment, leaving the new Brewer dissapointed with the idea of brewing at home.

Like all tools/equipment, there is a Sweet-Spot on price. Above this price point offers diminishing returns, which only a hard-core brewer will be able to detect. Below this price point, even a novice will notice the results improve with only a hundred or two additional cost.

Many of the products mentioned above are "pro-sumer" products, as versus typical "consumer" products. Probably one of the notable exceptions was the Breville Barista Express, which is smack-dab in the Consumer range. This is not a slam on the Breville, it can produce a solid cup (with some fiddling with how the machine is tuned/adjusted). For many, it would be a good Starting Point (if they don't have deep pockets, they can be found used for around $300 at the time of this posting).

Depending upon where you live, it can be hard to find a decent coffee shop. None of the coffee shops in my area can produce a "god shot" (the ideal perfect shot of espresso). This can make it hard to understand what a novice should be striving for. The local shops have no idea what "ristretto or lungo" are. Should you say such things to them, you will get a blank stare. Knowing what you are striving for (taste, texture and aroma-wise) is important. Having a good reference is important.

For future readers, good luck on your Journey. It is an adventure. Enjoy it as such.
I'll add a lot of hobbyists spend a lot on equipment, then move to another hobby and put (some if not all) of their equipment from the prior hobby on sale on an auction site. I bought (won) a "new" open-boxed dented Silvia 6 for 60% off MSRP, and a used Baratza Sette 270IW for 50% of MSRP. Five months in, both work great (knock on wood). It has been a fun journey and I am finally getting good consistent results after honing my distribution/level/tamp skills, adding a PID, adding a naked portafilter and adjusting the OPV to 9 bar. As a hobbyist, I have a yearning to now spend a lot more for even better equipment... but based what I have learned over these months, I don't think more expensive equipment will improve anything for me as I don't have any of the "problems" more expensive equipment solves, namely, need for quick, multiple, efficient shots or the need for supply/discharge plumbing. For now I'll just enjoy my newest hobby, but if I'm still making myself daily cappuccinos in a few years and my equipment starts to sputter, maybe I will upgrade, whether I need to or not.
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