Employees that date customers resulting in lost customers

There are also another coffee drive thru in my area and they hire young ladies who would fit the description of Hooters restaurants servers but their business is not much better then the typical drive thru coffee shop...
It might look busy but when I really gone into their books, it really did not look good enough for me to buy.... I ended up purchasing different coffee houses and I am much happier I didn't buy the other....
I'm just curious, does anyone have any advice on employees dating each other? Stories....motto's?
I guess we are different, I mean....I totally get the sex sells motto, but I HATE that...I'm a mom of a daughter, and I work with my mom as owners of this hut...We have always really prided ourselves on our customer service in our small town. We have gone to weddings, and funerals, and called to check on people, we have sent customers flowers when they come through crying, I'm not a skinny chic, but I care about people. We have been in business for 9 years, and in that time I can't think of ONE of the 9 other huts in this town that have not closed or sold in that time period. So as much as I get the Sex sells motto, I do think it works for longevity. I LOVE our coffee hut, and LOVE that we are like that. I have heard horror stories from MANY girls about their managers (that have been male) that are very perverse with these young girls and it just makes me sick!!!! I like being a stand up business in our community!!!
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