Does Coffee Stunt Your Growth?

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Hello. This is my first post.

Is there a polite way to let people know this is a myth, without sounding like a know-it-all...?
I've been drinking coffee for more years than I can remember. Never mind the fact that I stand just below the average coffee table height :D
This ones been around a while and I have not put my $ worth in yet. I too have been drinking coffee on a regular basis since I was a teen. When I was at varsity I used to drink 13-15 cups a day...not because I needed to stay awake, but rather because the cafe was a way to avoid attending lectures :grin: ... anyway these days I don't really count how many I drink... or how many beans I chew! As to the height thing... I am 184cm (um...imperial I think thats about 6'2") I guess that's one to the slate for caffeine has little effect on height.
true, coffee doesn't stunt growth, like, cmon, look at me, i'm Chinese and im like 6'4, and i drink coffee like everyday since i was around 13, haha, so don't worry guys! :grin: enjoy life! drink all u can!
wait a minute, ok yeah, so coffee alone doesn't stunt your growth right? but then wouldn't it be the side effects of coffee that would? like people say that we need sleep for growth, but then we drink coffee and that would interfere with our sleep? I don't know...I may be wrong, well i hope so, cause i love coffee
Well, I don't know. It seems the majority of you are quite tall, I'm only 5'2! I've been drinking coffee for years..same with my mom, who's 5'0. My sister doesn't drink coffee, and she's 5'7...and younger then me. It's anybody's guess.. :?
im only 13 and when i drink a cup of coffee i go wacko :lol: and :shock me powerful :lol:
I don't think that caffein "stumps" your groth, yet when you get older the bad side effects of coffe show up like stomach ulcers, joint pains, sleeplesness and a ton of nasty crap. But hey who wants to live forever?
:twisted: Ive been off coffee for 2 months now mainly because i thought it affected growth but im 18 and ive been drinking it since i was 12 heavily i might add and im what you call a freak of nature im not that tall 6ft4 but im very largly built people think im on steroids when im working out and man do i love that!! imagine what happens when i go on them! anyway i think coffee helps growth part because it stimulates the flow of blood to the body and bones bye
coffe addiction

I have been on coffe for 5 years. I started when I was assigned night shifts at a local hospital. I drink about 20 to 30 cups a night. Once I started I couldn't stop. It was like I was on crack or something, but with out the feel good side effects. If I were to do it all over again I would probably do crack. They don't have coffe rehabilitation where I live. :x
Re: coffe addiction

Is anyone out there I have a serious probablem. What am I going to do. I can't keep living like this.
Re: coffe addiction

I believe more people should switch from coffe to marijuana. This is because you get more out of it. When you take marijuana you feel good unlike coffe and you get what you want out of it. It can be eather a stimmulant or a depressant. Marijuana has also been proven to be less habit forming than coffe. It is only againced the law because because of the alcohol and cotton industrys and who wants to be dictated by them. You should be yourself and not follow bassless rules that have little or no purpose. If you don't listen to your own reason and just listen to one side you should buy some realastate in North Korea and be a dirty communist. But don't take my word for it go to and click on the link that gives the whole story. must be high...first of all learn to spell...coffe is coffee...I could go on and on oh wait stimmulant has one m...o.k. sorry...I can drive after drinking can get arrested for driving while high...can't remember anyone who has died from drinking coffee...smoking weed can cause are probably saying it doesn't...oh wait what did Bob Marley die from? Oh well to each their own but I will stand by the point that it is illegal and makes you stooopid! :roll:
I Don't think coffee will stunt your growth. I'm 17 and only 5'4, but i only started drinking coffee about 3 weeks ago. I've always been a cappacino guy, but moved to black coffee due to cappaccino being too sweet for my taste now, had too much of it. I can't believe some of you drink up to 30 cups a day, the most i'll have is 2 cups a day. Usually i'll just have 1 cup in the morning, and that's all i need.