Do you think coffee shop customers would want a way to know their drink has cooled?

Hi all-

Thank you for the great feedback. If any of you want a free marker, please message me today: inkndrinkmarkers @

I've gotten feedback from about 15 shops and here the consensus:

-Cool concept

-Too time intensive. Using it + explaining it is hurting speed of drink delivery to consumer

I decided to change angles and suggest:

-Putting it next to the sugar / cream with a little sign explaining what it does.

This could generate some buzz and promotion and only those who need to use it or really want to try it out can do so at their own leisure.

My thought process is this adds value for the shop without taking away anything other than cost of marker. Only drawback is if it gets stolen but I could sell at wholesale prices and shops could sell them as well at their own MSRP to make money off them as an additional money generator.

What are your thoughts!
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Putting it next to the sugar/cream with a little sign explaining what it does means that it will get stolen. The cafe would have to hook the marker onto a chain like they have at the bank.

Marking the cups and having a sign by the sugar and creamers that explains what the colors mean may be a better option. The workers behind the counter would mark the cups (maybe beforehand?) and it wouldn't slow things down at all.

If the cafe had them for sale, do you really think people would buy them and carry them around with them so they could mark their cups when they get coffee? I have my doubts about that. But, if you made a small marker that would somehow attach to their cellphone case, you'd have a better chance.