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Jan 5, 2015
New York
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I am thinking of investing in a destoner. I have a specific Indonesian coffee I use a lot of and I've caught a few grinder busters already just by eye. I'm terrified of passing this onto a customer. Do any of you guys use a destoner? Any alt methods of destoning? One guy I met told me he loads up the discharge chute with strong magnets, but that's useless against rocks, twigs, and non-metal debris.
JohnD18 – It may be more beneficial for you to get a Green Bean Cleaner to remove your foreign materials. This will remove most rocks, twigs, string and other materials by feeding the coffee through a set of screens that separate “overs” and “unders” as well as an aspirator to remove dust. However, these are not very good at removing stones that are the same size as a green bean.
As for Destoners, these come in two basic types and both rely on the density differences between the stones and roasted whole bean coffee. The more expensive solution is the inclined vibrating table (similar to ensoluna’s photo). This works by blowing enough air through the table to lift the roasted whole beans, but not the heavier stones. The stones then move up the incline due to the vibrating table while the beans roll down the incline. These are more effective at removing stones and causes less bean breakage.

The less expensive Destoner and one that is more common with coffee roasters, is a vertical tube with air blown through to lift the coffee, but not the stones, into a receiving hopper. It is very common to see these mounted on the discharge of the Roaster’s Cooling Tray and most Roaster manufacturers sell them. It works by setting the airflow to be slightly more than the pickup velocity of the whole roasted beans, but less than the pickup velocity of the stones. However, it can increase bean breakage if the airflow is not adjusted properly since the beans accelerate as they enter the receiving hopper.

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Ellatas, thanks for the explanation. I was actually about to pull the trigger on purchasing one of the destoners you were describing at the end of your post, but I held off to do a bit of research. The guy wanted about 1300 for a probat destoner, one that receives from the discharge chute and blows the beans into a hopper. I hesitated and it was sold to someone else.

The indo coffees with the rocks have been frustrating me. I'm terrified of passing one of these rocks on to a customer.
We have a vacuum destoner in storage similar to what you were looking for before. We are located in WI and have sold some roasting equipment to other in NY area. If you made an offer, we might consider.

We use a destoner on the output of our roasters, and for some we use a weigh and fill directly below it to bulk package whole-sale coffee. We do also have a green coffee cleaner, but it would only sort based on size, not density. For this, you would need a gravity separator or destoner.

I can also send you some plans and dimensions if you wanted to build your own... we build some ourselves.
