Describe your Coffee in one word?

This is the second post today that had a negative response. Did your coffee lose it's kick? Or are you just having a bad coffee day?

That's just my typical, curmudgeonly response to one of the lamest threads to have ever been started. <grins>
Hey, I'm working on an advanced degree in curmudgeonry. You trying to steal my thunder, Peter?? LOL
Hey, I'm working on an advanced degree in curmudgeonry. You trying to steal my thunder, Peter?? LOL

Wow! I haven't seen that word in years, (along with the variation in spelling).

Well, it's much better than calling youself a grumpy old man.

This is the second post today that had a negative response. Did your coffee lose it's kick? Or are you just having a bad coffee day?
Nope. I'm still trying to find a coffee I can taste. My taste buds recovered from the chemo fairly well but I still can only barely taste coffee. So, all those that I've tried so far are less than optimal for me. I hope to someday find one that tastes like coffee as I remember it BC (before chemo). :-)
Wow! I haven't seen that word in years, (along with the variation in spelling).

Well, it's much better than calling youself a grumpy old man.

i think both spellings are correct, Rose, but there are two separate meanings. Both refer to grumpy old men, however. LOL
i think both spellings are correct, Rose, but there are two separate meanings. Both refer to grumpy old men, however. LOL

I think I'm grumpier than Baachus, but he's older, so he has seniority in the curmudgeon department. Someday I hope to achieve his elite status of curmudgeonry.
I think I'm grumpier than Baachus, but he's older, so he has seniority in the curmudgeon department. Someday I hope to achieve his elite status of curmudgeonry.
wise it is that you defer to my seniority. :-)
flori, thank you so much for mentioning you're a blogger! And for including the web address.

Now, when Rose edits your post and deletes that info, they'll all be wondering what this post was about. :-)
flori, thank you so much for mentioning you're a blogger! And for including the web address.

Now, when Rose edits your post and deletes that info, they'll all be wondering what this post was about. :-)

Editing is done - and this explains it nicely, so I'm leaving it here.

Did anyone say "Sexy"?... Just wondering as adding that word to any product these days seems to sell it faster... What would we do without the marketing corporation...?...I guess that could change the meaning Of coffee lovers...:info::-D:-D
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