Mikeftrevino said:
Us yanks have relinquished ourselves to a weak stale cup for far too long. So long in fact, that most yanks taste a real fresh,properly made cup of coffee and wonder what's wrong with it.
Same could be said for US beer :wink:
I agree with what you've said. It's a misconception that espresso roasts have to be dark and oily. Not true at all. Not true also is that espresso has to be blend of different beans. Some swear by single origin extractions. A good blend might be fuller and rounder for some tastes but to single origin enthusiasts the good character note(s) of a single varietal can be muted or masked in a blend. SO or blend is as much a matter of taste as light, med or dark roast.
As far as I've read there are un palatable elements in coffee that need to be roasted out while certain palatable elements need to remain. Sugars accounting for the coffee's sweetness and certain acids should remain. Anything beyond that is a matter of taste and has little bearing outside of taste on whatever extraction method you prefer.
1st crack is the release of moisture as the bean's internal temperature rises and causes it to pop like popcorn. It's a necessary stage to achieve palatable roasts and at this stage the roast will reflect the bean's particular character.
2nd crack is optional. As far as I know it's the point where steady heat causes the cellular matrix of the bean to break down. The 2nd crack is therefore quieter than 1st crack and at this point the roast will begin to take on the character of the roast rather than the type of bean. Sugars continue to caramelize and even burn and the opening of the cellular matrix frees oils that start to rise to the bean's surface. Liberating the oils and forcing them to the surface exposes them to oxidation and makes it more important that you use the roast soon after degassing as the oils run the risk of going rancid.
Crema is not necessarily better with an oily roast either. The opposite might be true in that a lighter roast not showing oils retains those oils better since they still remain enclosed in the bean's intact cellular matrix. I home roast and rarely roast past the middle of second crack to the point where oil shows with all my beans and grind fresh for dose of espresso. From the start of extraction to the end the shot is all crema that settles out only after the shot is pulled. I attribute that not only to fresh beans and a good grind but also to a lighter roast where the oils are liberated only at the time of grinding and not during roasting.
There are other names for roasts from cinnamon, light city, full city, full city+, Vienna, French and Italian, I believe. I like going by colour more. Light, medium and dark work for me and are less arbitrary.