Coffee Trailors or Van Questions...

BaristaExpress said:
KG, I can see you don't have enough vision to be in the gourmet coffee business. Now don't get defensive here by what I just said, this is what I mean you have no vision (think ahead ability). If you have a window that low in a van your going to have one hell of a backache, unless you are going to be sitting down on your roll around stool. Now your going to be getting up to operate the cash register or to make the drinks. Is that anyway to run a business? I think not..... In less you want to be crippled in a very short amount time by being bent over all the time. Like I said before, if your looking for comfort then you better get a drive-thru building!


Not trying to be a jerk here. BUT THAT WAS MY ORIGINAL QUESTION.

Well guys I have a stupid question.

Has anyone ever seen a truck conversion that caters to drive thru?

Meaning it's a self-contained truck that has a window low enough for cars to drive up to it?

And to say I have no vision is idiotic. I am trying to come up with a creative solution in order to serve a need I found that no one has tapped. And that I don't have the financial abiltiy to tap in the traditional way.

It seems like maybe you are the one stuck in the box.

"You have to be outside. Why use a self-contained truck, don't do that. Do this. blah blah blah"

I am sorry I am so defensive, but it's WAY PRUSMTIOUS OF YOU TO COME OUT AND SAY I HAVE NO VISION. Sorry for screaming.
KG are you sure you looked at the trucks on those sites? If you did then you didn't look close enough. The trucks from Seattle Coffee Co. are open yes, and your standing outside. Being outside like that your going to be able to take drive up orders, wouldn't you? Duh hell yes you can! Now when no cars are around trying to get a cup of joe your still able to take walk ups, am I correct? The only thing (wrong for you) here is that your going to have to stand outside! KG, the only thing left to say here is! To my knowledge I have yet to see anyone make a van drive-thru rig. I wonder why that is? Maybe it's because anyone operating it would be bent over to much making their back sore as hell by the end of the day! I'd like to see the pemium for the unemployment disability insurance for the owner of that vechile!! Yes, you still have stuff like that to pay even though your working for yourself! Oh wow, I think I just saw the light bulb go off inside your head!
Ok so I am going to end on this note. Since I have gone through and read your other post and it seems you like to get in these Mine is bigger then your type internet forum arguments. Which I hate.

You have some good points, and it seems you actually do know what you are talking about in dealing with in your enviroment.

However I live in a area that would not facilate year round service if i had to be outside. It get's cold.

So I appreciate your points, from hear on out why don't we just agrree to disagree, and you can just ignore my non vision-non planing post. And help other people out.
OK, I agree to disagree. I do too now live where it gets cold. When I had my mobile business before I lived where it was warmer in the winter (the Westcoast but in the high desert) yeah no snow, but still in the 40's to high 30's and wind blowing like heck. But now I live on the Eastcoast (a midatlantic state) and I'll still do it again like before (outside) on the days of no snow.... Yeah snow being on the ground is one thing but snow coming down is another, I wouldn't work the ladder. I will again have my mobile business (oneday) but when I don't know... To recover from a bad divorce is a very hard thing to do! But I'll make it again and do it like no other can do it. You'd be surprised what personalized service does to your clients on the days you go to their offices when they don't expect you too because of the weather! They have a new respect for the man/woman who goes out of their way to give them the "convenience of door to door service" on their regularly scheduled day, (and doing it with a smile)especially on those bad weather days! Well, atleast they did where I lived before.
Check ebay, type espresso then resort by highest price. There are several truck for sale right now. 25-40k it looks like.

If I were going to work in the unit everyday I would probably put together a trailer. That is the only way I can think of to get a lower floor level.

May be cheaper as well. You can also find trailers on ebay.

Good luck.