Coffee Shop Start-up costs

To get back to the original part of this thread. In 2008 I purchased a US Roaster, 2 Compak Grinders, 500 bags, a 12 inch sealer and 3 150 lb of beans in 3 varieties and a cheap brewer. Roughly 15K. The business grew to where I am today ( not sure where that is really). Just moved into a new building with 2500 sq ft of retail and warehouse space that I will be purchasing once the build out is complete.
Ha Topher is recovering form the Offspring, Pennywise, and Bad Religion concert last night. For some resin I been around the board on and off today. Roasted 150 pounds of coffee too. Looks like you have been busy with getting the shop open. Most people do not realize how much work it is to get a shop open.
After owning a $3500 espresso machine and now owning a Synesso Hydra there is a big difference in the machines. In fact the main thing is repetitive quality. The Synesso will not stop pulling the same shot as fast as a barista can run it.

Also any business needs a market other wise it will fail. No customers for high end espresso means closed doors. If your selling coffee to a bunch of farmers that want $1 a cup then there is no need for a for a high end espresso machine.

This is thread was about coffee shop equipment and the related supplies. Most new coffee shops offer high end espresso.

For or the record Slayer and their service sucks, in fact they are a knock off of Synesso. No one has Kees that knows coffee not a good machine. Top three espresso machines are Slayer, Synesso and LA MARZOCCO. Two of the three are Synesso knock offs. I did write the check and have the Synesso Hydra.

It sounds like your $3500 machine wasn't properly manned.

People don't need to spend 15K on a espresso machine period. I'm glad you bought a Synesso but I wish you'd quit ramming it down everyone's throat. So you blew 15K good for you. The average person opening a coffee shop isn't going to drop 15K for an espresso machine. In all honesty they shouldn't. I'd buy a cheaper machine in the 5 to 8K bracket and run with it for 4 to 5 years then suggest if all is well and your far more educated to take a look at a higher end machine.

I always get a kick out of people who are driving around in a 75 - 100K car and have no clue as to what half the buttons on the steering wheel do! This is how I feel about high end espresso equipment. Its all fine and dandy but if you know nothing about the business having all the bells and whistles mean absolutely nothing to your end user.
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here is my nickels worth! You do not need an 18K espresso machine to start with! Not even 10K. If you Buy a Fetco Brewer such as a 2042E Twin Brewer is roughly 2K , Mahlkonig Grinder average 2K Start off with a single group espresso machine, 2500.00 ( lots of places use a single group and it works out well). That is 8500.00 for the main ingredients. Hot water dispenser to start with I would go with a Tiger. Small but for 150.00 each get 2 of them. A Curtis Hot water boiler is about 1600.00, same with a Fetco. Good filtering system lets say 500.00 ( does not include someones labor). The counters to be built or purchased used could be pricey unless you are talented with a saw. Tables & Chairs? plenty of good used from closed shops. 15K-20K will get you open as far as equipment is concerned and some stock. As you grow and make money, upgrade if need be. I've done it and I know a lot of other small shops that started out on a thread and have grown and expanded in 3 years. If you sell 100 cups of coffee at an average price of 2.50 daily that is only 250.00 per day x 30 days ( if open 7 days a week ) = 7500.00 per month. Would this cover all of your overhead? and if the next month you only sold half that amount could you still hang on? Do not buy used brewers,grinders or espresso machines!!
Good Luck

This is solid advice. Thank you for posting.