Coffee Importers - Advise needed !

CJ (if I can abbreviate CoffeeJunky to CJ :coffee:)

I do not import, just help my friends at Sriwijaya Coffee - From Soil to Roaster. I was first introduced to one of the owners when he was living in Milwaukee. He had links to a producer of Kopi Luwak, and contacted me to see if I would roast for him, as most of his customers are cafe owners. Shortly thereafter is when he and his friend in Sumatra struck up their business arrangement, and hired me to cup/evaluate pre-ship and arrival samples. Your friend may want to use the 'contact us' feature on their website.

I have since begun to re-consider my involvement w/ the civet coffee; the coffee itself isn't now, nor has it ever been, anything special in my mind - a top-grade Sumatra or Sulawesi or Java to me is a better coffee; and the conditions that the animals are subjected to is often far from ideal. I don't know the percentage of Kopi Luwak found in the wild vs. domesticated, but it would seem that with the rise in availability, most of it now comes from 'farms' raising the civet cat and feeding it coffee cherries. The increase in supply would also suggest there is much counterfeiting going on. But that's all for another thread, and I'd rather not divert this one.
Yes we have discuss this before and the person who is trying export the beans actually one who is trying to make sure people get the authentic Kopi Luwak. Their price isn't very cheap but they work with reputable farmers. They already have identified the method they use for counterfeit beans. He told me even the authentic beans are being mixed with other beans and some of the authentic growers are also being blamed. So he is trying to get the authentic Kopi Luwak farmers to work together and try to get rid of the those fake producers.
I have tried few cups of Kopi Luwak last may and I was not very impressed with them but i thought it was because of my expectation was high.
I'm reposting this again so everyone can see it.

Alun used to be a very active member on the Coffee Forums, but he's a very busy guy and he doesn't visit us as much as he used to. The last time he visited the Forums was in July of this year. It may take a while before you get a response from him.

Another option would to visit his website and contact him that way: Merdeka Coffee

Hi Alun...I too would be interested in details about having coffee shipped from Africa. Thanks! Cindy

I've worked w/ some people from an outfit called Crop2Cup, who work with farmers to improve their living and growing conditions, and then import their coffees directly. You may want to contact Jake Elster at C2C. Initially, they were only working in Uganda, but have broadened their scope.
I don't understand why people still trying to get the coffee directly.
The wholesale price of coffee is so cheap, it just doesn't make any sense to try to buy directly.
The only reason I would buy coffee directly from the source is to help out the farmers. But I won't expect to pay less. I would suspect it would cost more to buy directly.
I don't understand why people still trying to get the coffee directly.
The wholesale price of coffee is so cheap, it just doesn't make any sense to try to buy directly.
The only reason I would buy coffee directly from the source is to help out the farmers. But I won't expect to pay less. I would suspect it would cost more to buy directly.

My guess: As global travel and communication make the world a smaller place, folks are coming into contact with people in coffee growing countries looking to sell beans. So they get a wild hair and decide to help the growers out. After all, they enjoy coffee and how difficult could it be?
I am looking to purchase coffee from the Philippines. Next month I will visited several Farms
that have been established for over 20yrs. My question would be from a Business point of view
would it be beneficial to Trade meaning import & export or Private Label the Coffee from there?

After speaking with one of my contacts from the Farm, he suggested if your trading it might
be very difficult due to higher prices in Philippines for Green Coffee He then suggested it
might be a little easy to Private Label with a certain niche for my best advantage.

I was thinking to just locate a Broker in the US and maybe thus might be a better option.
Please feel free to share any input or thoughts out there in Coffee Land.

I've worked w/ some people from an outfit called Crop2Cup, who work with farmers to improve their living and growing conditions, and then import their coffees directly. You may want to contact Jake Elster at C2C. Initially, they were only working in Uganda, but have broadened their scope.

Thank you for this
Thanks for the response and the helpful information. I will follow up and be sure to let you know.

Much Appreciated!
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