Car traffic vs. Pedestrian traffic for a new coffee shop


New member
May 7, 2013
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Hi all -- First time posting and let me just say that this is one of the best interest specific forums I've ever seen. You are all (most) very knowledgeable and informative. Thank you in advance.

I am looking at opening a coffee shop in a D.C. suburb that has no big chain coffee companies within 15 minutes or so. The building is perfect (as far as I'm concerned) for a coffee shop, and the only other coffee competition would be from the sit down diner around the corner, or the crappy styrofoam and hostess coffee bar connected to the train station.

Within 2 miles there is an elementary school, junior high school, and a high school. A train station, and police station. Bars/restaurants music store etc. There is a new condo complex being completed that will also have significant retail space in the first floor.

All that being said, there is not much foot traffic. People drive to where they are going and that is it. No one is really walking around this downtown area for leisure. Hopefully that is because there is no coffee shop for them to frequent :)

Where can I find stats for potential customer flow from cars rather than pedestrians?

Thanks again!
I would be wary a out the lack of foot traffic in the area. Are there many offices buildings in the neighborhood?

What about parking?
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In the immediate area there are few. It's a bit hard to explain, but essentially there is nowhere else to get coffee in the surrounding areas either (save for a dunkin donuts or 2). The surrounding areas have plenty of offices and I can't help but think that I would get a lot of commuting traffic for the train station in the Am and when people are getting home + all the parents and teachers from the schools etc.

is it wishful thinking to assume that "if you build it, they will come"? I see this shop as actually filling a need in the market for a coffee shop where there is none.
Hello Falk

Welcome to the Coffee Forums website.

Is there parking close by the building that you're considering? (in front of it or next to it?)

If you don't have much foot traffic, you'll at least need parking for those people who drive.

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Thanks PinkRose!

There is street parking as well as a few lots on the street. I need to figure out if the lots are reserved or public. And I'd also like to look into seeing whether or not I can pay for reserved spots.