Brewed Decaf vs. Decaf Cafe Americano


New member
Dec 22, 2005
Leesburg, FL
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I was wondering if anyone out there is making a decaf americano when a customer asks for a decaf cup of coffee. I don't have very many customers asking for decaf coffee so I can't see making several pots of decaf coffee in a day and pouring the majority of each pot down the drain.Since I live in the Sunbelt (aka retirement belt) I do have a large base of potential customers who might want decaf at some point in their day. I've only been in business for about 4 months and I do pour out a lot of decaf coffee. Any suggestions?
serve decaf

How about making a french press of decaf for the customers? Takes a few minutes but very tasty. Then you won't waste a whole potful of coffee.

We have supplied decaf americanos instead of drip for the last two years, you give the customer a great coffee and you are not dumping out pots of decaf

They accepted it right from the start, we explained that because of the lower volume of decaf drinkers it was the only way we could provide them with a quality cup.
You could also make a half a pot of decaf

i've seen places do that also

As a decaf drinker. I don't think I would like a decaf americano even though I've never tried it. I'd rather have a fresh cup of decaf

Well I like espresso and I like decaf but I don't think I would like watered down espresso even though it probably is the same it might be a mental block, thinking that i'm drinking watered down espresso

I'm going to find somebody who knows what they are doing and try an americano

How ironic - I was just talking to my employees today about this same topic. We too have just been open a short while (about 6 weeks). From the 2nd week, we stopped brewing a pot of decaf each day because we've been getting MAYBE 1 request a week for decaf. We talked about serving decaf Americano's this morning as an alternative. It's great to hear that others are doing the same and getting good results. I will start offering this tomorrow on a regular basis.
My only question then is how do you explain why someone's 16 oz. decaf (the americano) is going to be more expensive than their friend's 16 oz. house blend drip? Sure, you can try to justify it when you get the question, but I think it might create that silent "hmmmm..." response to some. Thoughts?
Decaf Americanos

We made the decision to charge the same price for a decaf Americano as a brewed coffee. Yes it trims your margin, but not that much and it allows you to service the decaf market with a good product rather than dumping out lpots of decaf.
I was wondering if anyone out there is making a decaf americano when a customer asks for a decaf cup of coffee. I don't have very many customers asking for decaf coffee so I can't see making several pots of decaf coffee in a day and pouring the majority of each pot down the drain.Since I live in the Sunbelt (aka retirement belt) I do have a large base of potential customers who might want decaf at some point in their day. I've only been in business for about 4 months and I do pour out a lot of decaf coffee. Any suggestions?

For a customer asking for a drip brewed decaf coffee, you should make a double shot of 2-1/2 oz. decaf espresso (no more than 2-1/2 oz. please) and add hot water from the espresso machine to make up to the size of drip brewed coffee.

Americana served with a espresso brew method is bitter due to extended extraction time when the quantity of extract exceeds 15 seconds. Thats right. More than 15 seconds extract from a powdery fine grind of oily dark roast is bitter.
Seniors are used to drip brewed coffee which was is not and never supposed to be bitter. The bitter espresso served in every coffee shop including 25000 Starbucks shops is a major turn off for seniors. I do not blame them.
I MIGHT get two requests a day for a brewed coffee so I don't do it. I've never had a complaint about a decaf americano and we charge the same price for decaf as regular.