Breville 870xl -under 18 sec shot time & under an ounce of espresso - What's wrong

This appears to be a dead thread but I found that some beans just didn't really work or taste well with the machine; for example I used to work for Starbucks but because only texturing milk required any amount of user input I had to practice getting espresso just right. I decided to use Starbucks expresso since I knew how it tasted from their machines.

I probably went through half the bag trying to get it just right. I found that even using the non-pressurized double shot basket, the finest grind, a heavy tamper I could never get good extraction it was always barely getting into optimal range. I eventually swapped to medium espresso roasts, manually grind, tamper gently between grinds (less messy and works well for perfect extraction) and programmed the double shot to have way more water than default. And now it is perfect.

Though I will admit when I change between beans or switch it up it is a whole new game of finding the perfect grind, and tampering. I logged the settings and how I tamper it for each of the beans I really like to make it less of a headache!~
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