Breville 800esxl shot time issue

Shadow, I just had to let you know once again that I was sorry, and I went back to my earlier post where I was asking about a grinder and both you and pinkrose made comments. I'll make sure I know who I'm talking to the next time. That is how I got mixed up because both of you used a Capresso grinder, but I was thinking you were using a KA grinder not a espresso machine. So before I continue to put my foot in my mouth. Flo
No problem...... just took it a little too personal and had to lash out. But I understand it was a simple mistake.

Like I stated.... the Infinity is a great all-around grinder and will work very well with your Breville if you intend to keep it. Breville also makes a good conical burr grinder for $100 or less. Can't comment on it as I've never used one. I think it's called the Ikon (spelling?). The Baratza line of grinders are good as well.

Most conical burr grinders will grind just fine for espresso, but don't offer the super fine tuning/adjustability that the higher end grinders do. Most people would never be able to tell the difference in the taste anyway. Later!
DanD04325 said:

I just bought a refurbished breville 800esxl from woot. I can pull a reasonable shot with the double basket, but my only concern are the shots I'm pulling from the single basket. I get a watery 1-1.5 oz in around 10 seconds (it's like drip with crema on top). My doubles take around 21s. Do you think the problem lies in the basket, or do you think that changing the grind may resolve the issue? I'm currently using preground Illy and I plan to buy a capresso infinity in the near future. I was also wondering if anyone has had experience replacing the pressurized baskets with normal baskets.

I have Breville BKC600XL and it is better than breville if you don't find any solution of your problem then you should try Breville BKC600XL.
Hey nuburrgrnd,

Sorry about the very late response...I haven't been on this forum in months. My setup is still working great. The capresso has worked perfectly with any bean I have used so far. With good, fresh beans my shots come out great (for the amount I paid for my machine + grinder). I've tried a few different roasters so far (Gimme Coffee, Counter Culture, and Coffee Labs) and I have found Gimme to be superior to the others, especially Gimme's Leftist Espresso Blend. If you have any questions about the machine / grinder or need any tips feel free to ask.

Good luck with your machine,
Thanks for that info. I might give GimmeCoffee a try. My personal all time favorite is Espresso Toscano from Counter Culture and I've tried quite a few over the last 2-3 years. Later!
I agree with Shadow, I tried Espresso Toscano by CCC and it's awesome. I hope I come across a decent coupon code so I can try another one of their roasts. As far as ordering from Gimme, they regularly have 30% off coupon codes but the shipping prices are brutal. When I went to school I was a little spoiled because I lived right near a Gimme and I could just swing by and grab a bag. As an upside, their bags are 16 oz. The Leftist blend is definitely designed to be pulled as a ristretto. It takes a little work to dial in, but once I got it right I haven't produced better shots with any other beans. If you're ever in the NY area, I'd definitely pay them a visit.
Thanks for all the feedback here. I ended up buying Terry's tamperfrom amazon. It's the perfect size for the Breville portafilter. I found that getting a finer grind and not tamping as hard gives a better shot than a course grind with a lot to tamping.
I'm a firm believer in grinding a bit finer and tamping less as well, both at home and commercially. I use the pressure achieved with my thumb and forefinger, so I'd say 10-15 lbs. Doing this allows a slightly higher extraction ratio therefore giving more flavor. Later!

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