Best Used Espresso Machine(super auto)


New member
Apr 2, 2021
New Jersey
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Hello All...
I'm new to forum.(be Here's what I've got going on, maybe you folks could help out with some advice. I opened a small Restaurant/Cafe in South Jersey in July 2020. We are a heavy breakfast operation, all quick serve, house made bagels, breakfast sandwiches and that type of stuff. We currently run with 3 drip coffees and cold brew, based on demand from the people It's now time to make the leap into the world of espresso drinks. I've been searching around for a used piece of equipment for this and the pricing and styles are all over the place. I've decided on at least an auto/super auto because of the volume we do during peak hours . I've looked at several units on ebay and the auction house(where most of my equipment came from).

I'm currently looking at the following machines:

1. La Cimbali m2
2. Verismo 801 Thermoplan I believe?
3. Astra A200
4. Shaerer Verismo 701

Any advice regarding any of these? Repairs? Reliability? Parts availability? Keep in mind most are under 2k so I would expect some repairs or needed maintenance. I want a quick ROI on this thing I'm able to do all repairs myself so I would be most concerned about parts and availability.

Thanks for any feed back,