Best Super Automatic Espresso Machine

Take a Look at Acorto/Concordia models. 2000s 2500s I have 2, in use for 2.5 years now. They work. 2 Grinders 1 for regular the other for...decaf..flavored beans (ugh), Built in fridge holds 2 gal of milk. Two Boilers. Press a button and a latte comes out. So simple a caveman could use it. can be set for 3 different size cups in menus. it makes Latte, Cappucino espresso and Americanos. as well as hot water on hand for Tea drinkers. Just be prepared to use 5# of beans to dial it in and check it every morning, they can produce a sour drink if you dont keep an eye on your shot time. They can be found for 1000 to 5k used. Downsides, If space is a huge issue they are large. 25 w x 25 d x 42 inches tall. its 220v min but can be adjusted if you have higher voltage with internal settings. It has lots of parts, some can be had/replaced cheap...some not so much. They need cleaned daily. ours has 40k shots on one and over 9k on the other they are on 24/7/365. aside from a few leaks and 1 pstat...they keep on trucking.

side note, dont consider a 1000 or a 1500. Its a 115v model smaller single grinder single milk single boiler, attractive? yes, but I couldnt get those to produce an acceptable drink to save my life. I ended up getting rid of it. Too much hassle.
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If you are serving 30 cups a day, I would purchase single head semi-automatic commercial espresso machine. It will cost less then 5k and it will last very long time.
Hi, I finally got La Spaziale Vivaldi S1 and of course had to buy a grinder too. Got Mazzer grinder as heard it s best. When seller demonstrated both types , I decided on semi-auto simply because the difference of taste and quality of cappucciono as compared to super auto was HUGE. Even though I didn't plan to buy semi auto, but was forced to go for it. Super auto makes instant coffee using instant milk powder, like vending machines, but semi auto makes professional starbucks style cappuccino. Drawbacks: more expensive due to grinder cost, and a skillful hand is required to make cappuccino, a mistake in milk Frothing can ruin your coffee. Serving time is also more than super auto, and you need to handle and store milk and beans etc.
i agree with CoffeeJunky. It really depends on where you are from, and the budget
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You can take a look at bestespressoreviewer . Com . You wil find informative articles from there
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