Best Hand-Cranked Burr Grinder

Goodday !---I'am New--to The Forum : Just bought " PEUGOT BRESIL " ( manual) Grinder : instructions--not clear--on : How--to adjust the Grind ??---anyone--knows anything--about it--?? ----------------- ----------------------------
Goodday !---I'am New--to The Forum : Just bought " PEUGOT BRESIL " ( manual) Grinder : instructions--not clear--on : How--to adjust the Grind ??---anyone--knows anything--about it--?? ----------------- ----------------------------


Sometimes on Amazon, people ask questions about a product, and other people answer them. This is what I found about adjusting the grind.

I just got my mill but did not receive instructions. How do you adjust the grind? Here is the description: Adjustable mechanism grinds roasted beans

A: There is an adjustment knob at the top of the grind shaft. You need to pull the lock tab away from the adjustment wheel and then turn the adjustment knob counterclockwise for a coarser grind and clockwise for a finer grind. Then let the tab go back into the nearest slot to hold everything in place.
Amazon Customer answered on February 17, 2013

A: It will help if you have a flashlight or can hold the grinder under a good light as it will help you understand the inner mechanism as you make the following adjustments: First unscrew the little nut on top of the threaded shaft. Then lift the little locking tab and remove it from the shaft. Then spin the little notched ring clockwise all the way which lifts the grinder to is highest position for the finest grind or counterclockwise for a courser grind. You will need to experiment to decide which grind is best suited to your coffee maker and your taste. I have been using a fine grind to make espresso. Hope this helps! Oh, I see someone else has already given a nice, concise answer!
Answered on February 17, 2013

A: Lift tab on adjustment knob and hold up while you turn small wheel below tab clockwise for a finer ground---counterclockwise for coarser grind. release tab into nearest grove to lock in place.
Answered on February 18, 2013
Hello : I just bought---the "" PEUGEOT BRESIL " Manual Grinder---and 'am somewhat lost---Re. : How--to Adjust the Grinding Quality--??


maybe,--someone can give me an advice--??
Thank You-----Pink Rose !! Actualy,--I Did see That Review//Instructions: but--I'am Not a (very) Handyman--and Afraid--of Damaging my Brand-New " BRESIL "; also--without proper tools---I'll be Unable to UNscrew the Top Nut: it is Too tight for (my) fingers....;

the ( little) Instructions Manual I've got with the " BRESIL'--telling : for the Mill type " B' ( i.e. Grinder without the Cover ): ''Turn Adjustment Wheel ^^^ COUNTER ^^^---clockwise---for Finer Grind /// Clockwise---for Coarser grind "" ---
The part that you unscrew may be a bit tight at first.

Did you see the part of the instructions about the lock tab that I posted earlier today?
Maybe thats why you're having a problem with it.

You need to pull the lock tab away from the adjustment wheel and then turn the adjustment knob counterclockwise for a coarser grind and clockwise for a finer grind. Then let the tab go back into the nearest slot to hold everything in place.

You'll figure out if you need to turn it clockwise or counter clockwise when you grind the beans. Once you get it to where you want it, you'll be okay after that.
Thank You !! I'shall Keep experimenting---tomorrow morning......

When I first got my manual burr grinder, I used some old coffee beans and experimented with the different grind settings until I got it where i wanted it. That way, I didn't feel too bad about wasting the coffee beans while I learned how to adjust the grinder settings.

Thank You---So Much ! I keep ''experimenting' , but--as yet---it only comes-out "french-press style'...: tomorrow morning--'shall try turning the ( Adjust.) wheel---further Clock-wise.....

P.s. I live--in TORONTO : is here anyone Toronto//area---who could lend me a hand- with " PEUGEOT BRESIL" Manual Grinder-? ( nice coffee--in exchange...:::)))
P.P.S.. the Latest Update : well, Finally---I have Learned the Intricacies of ^Adjusting the Grind^---on "" PEUGEOT BRESIL ""--Manual Grinder : it works Fine--and Very Easy to use ( after--some learning ...)---------------thank you ------------------ ---------------
Alright, I'm new here, but I could use your expertise for this question, so...
What I'm looking for is a really good hand-cranked, adjustable grind, portable, and affordable grinder.

I already roast my own beans in a frying pan, and brew them with either a stainless french press or stainless stovetop espresso maker. I'm looking to round out the setup with a good grinder. I preffer to use all stainless equipment, so I don't get contaminates, and so it is durable.

Any advice here would be appreciated, thank you!

Try the Blisslii. It's one of the best portables. They don't cost much either.