Are pregnant women really not allowed to drink coffee? WHY??

coffeetology girl

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Jun 12, 2006
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I been drinking coffee since grade 2 and coffee is almost my water. I drink it from the moment I wake-up, after every meal and whenever I feel like having a break from my work. Now, I',m kinna worried because we'll getting married next year and we are planning to have a kid by next year as well --- Whem I get pregnant, does it mean I won't be able to drink cofffee for more than 9 months? WHY???

And if I can't drink coffee, what will I drink as alternative. I can't drink milk alone and I'm not really a fan of tea. My best bet is hot chocolate though it is too sweet from me. Suggestions anyone???

Any doctors here who can help me out
I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV. JK. The short answer is yes, but of course in moderation. I am assuming that I would have to cut back the 6+ I have daily if/when we become pregnant.

Here is a link to a website that discusses what is safe and what isn't: ... 62_1001.bc

There are also some health benefits to coffee. When I was a child, my doctor told my Mom to give me a strong, hot, black cup of coffee and to help alleviate my asthma symptoms until she could get me to the emergency room. It helped with my wheezing. So, I guess you could say I drink coffee for medicinal purposes. Even today, if I am away from my inhaler, a hot cup will at least calm me down until I can get to it.
You really dont need to worry too much. I am a coffee addict myself. But when I was pregnant my body hormones totally put me off coffee...I find it hard to beleive it myself, but I did not want to have any coffee and you dont even have to worry what to drink instead, your body automatically lets you know what in needs in its place.

I developed cravings for things which i never liked and was totally put off by some of the things i really enjoyed...well, thats pregnancy...
It hasn't been bad. My doctor said its OK to have some here and there. So, I do my tasting throughout the day for quality control, but any drink I have, its decaf. I haven't had any real aversions. I'm not really feeling the brocoli right now, but for the most part, I've been very fortunate with our little bean.
just for you

:grin: Hi...! You're so funny. I'm glad not yet pregnance now but i think coffee is much delicious to forget him. My baby too (some day i mean). Coffee or anyelse is good for mom pregnance too, but if we consume not over. Just for 1 or 2 cup of coffee a day, if you are have not any problem for your health, it's ok. If you have problem .... please baby much more so kind than coffee. Some day you can drank any time, if you have not problem with you're body.

See U
Decaf. Close your eyes and pretend.

I think best to be safe. Heck, I drink decaf now mixed with my four daily lattes because, I was becoming jittery and sleeping bad.

I detoxed and now I am very sensitive to everything I consume.

I can't get over the weird looks I get when I order decaf though.

It ain't a sin!
Well, I was pregnant twice, have two children now, and with my first pregnancy I cut out all coffee. Not a single drop. It was hard for the first couple of weeks, but after that it was just fine. My baby was totally healthy and wonderful. For my second pregnancy, I thought, well, one cup a day won't I had 1/2 - 1 cup a day, and had a son, but he has bad allergies and skin problems. INfact he has such bad food allergies, he can only eat about 8 different foods in the whole world. Everything else he is allergic to on different scales. Milk will kill him. (I did drink a lot of Latte's). I'm not sure if caffine contributed to his allergies or not, but if I had to do it over, I would stay away from all coffee just the same.

I also heard as few as 4 cups of coffee can kill a fetus in it's critical stages of development. I did a lot of research online and think the best is no coffee. But DO drink tons of water. (even the chemicals in decaf are not good for fetuses either)
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During pregnancy, women are slower to metabolise caffeine, taking 18 hours to clear the equivalent of one cup of coffee from the system compared with a norm of four to six hours.If women consume too much caffeine, the levels of stimulant in their blood will gradually build, with each cup of coffee adding to the burden. Since caffeine crosses the placenta, the unborn baby will be affected.
What you should/shouldn't do during pregnancy changes with the times. At one point no one thought twice about drinking alcohol when they were pregnant. Then we were told that alcohol is taboo during pregnancy (for good reason). I now have friends who are pregnant and their doctors say that it's okay to have a little alcohol once in a while.

The same is true with caffeine. I think it's our knee-jerk reaction when we find that there are negative impacts when we indulge in something to excess. Instead of deciding that we should minimize our caffeine impact we automatically jump to the conclusion that it should be avoided all together. But there's a big difference between 6 cups of coffee a day and 1.

The bottom line is that only you can decide how you should handle your pregnancy. You can listen to advice on forums like these, but you would be better off talking to your doctor, doing a little online research and deciding for yourself what is right for you.

Best of luck! Children are a blessing - but you'll need all the caffeine you can get once the baby is born!
Nice information, thank's

I been drinking coffee since grade 2 and coffee is almost my water. I drink it from the moment I wake-up, after every meal and whenever I feel like having a break from my work. Now, I',m kinna worried because we'll getting married next year and we are planning to have a kid by next year as well --- Whem I get pregnant, does it mean I won't be able to drink cofffee for more than 9 months? WHY???

And if I can't drink coffee, what will I drink as alternative. I can't drink milk alone and I'm not really a fan of tea. My best bet is hot chocolate though it is too sweet from me. Suggestions anyone???

Any doctors here who can help me out

Pregnant women can drink coffee in moderately, coffee makes your heart beast faster. And also Caffeine is legally drug and is not good for you and to the baby.