Architect Vs Shop Fitter


New member
Apr 4, 2006
Hey everyone,

I’m about to embark on the stages of designing the floor plan and shop design of my new coffee shop. Initially I had planned to use a recommended architect who has experience with working in coffee shops. However I was then recommended to use a shop fitter rather than an architect just because after using an architect I assume I would have to use a shop fitter anyways. By not using an architect as well as a shop fitter the advantage is I would save costs. So I guess my question is, is it worth the risk of not using an architect to design the layout and use a shop fitter to do it as well? I have never dealt with architects and shop fitters before so I’m not entirely sure what services shop fitters include and if they usually design layouts also. What do you guys think, keep to my original plan and hire an architect to design the layout and then hire a shop fitter, or save on costs and just use a shop fitter only?

Your advice will be appreciated!!!

Have you ever run a coffee shop? If you have you should know how you want your shop set up. I think if you have experience you should know how the flow is going to work best in your available space....I would save the cash...but thats me. Good the way...where is it going to be located?
Heya Topher,

This is actually my first coffee shop.. actually its my first ever business i've started! However i have worked in a coffee shop to gain some kind of experience. Also from experience, when dealing with shop fitters, what services do they usually offer compared to an architect? I'll be opening this coffee shop in London (England) hopefully very soon! Thanks for wishing me luck too, i reeeeeeeeeally need it :roll: :grin:
so are you going to roast or have you sourced out your roaster yet? Better hurry in London..heard starbux is about to EXPLODE there...they plan to completly saturate London...
topher said:
so are you going to roast or have you sourced out your roaster yet? Better hurry in London..heard starbux is about to EXPLODE there...they plan to completly saturate London...

they're already everywhere, the new mcdonalds :evil: anyhoo, i have decided to source a roaster as this being the first shop i feel that i cannot take on the job of roasting also. However im not completely satisfied with the roaster i have found so i am currently still searching. Any recommended roasters around london? :grin:
I am planning on using an architect. I know how I want the flow of my setup, but I will needs plans for approval from the city.
I am planning on using an architect. I know how I want the flow of my setup, but I will needs plans for approval from the city.

do you plan on using a shopfitter also? A friend suggested that he found he had problems between his architect and his shop fitter working alongside each other :?
I wasn't planning on using a shop fitter, just the architect. I haven't hired anyone yet. Maybe I'm not thinking it through enough, but I want someone local, I'm concerned that distance would be an issue. What are your thoughts?
Hi Intimici, I run a chain of upmarket food bars in central london (including selling coffee) so I know how tough this market is. We see independents coming and going with alarming regularity. How are you going to differentiate yourself from Starbucks?
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