African coffee

Ethiopia is in the green belt where altitude and climate are best for growing coffee plant, also was where coffee was first found there and still to this day most Ethiopia coffee is from wild plants
It's one of the places where we speculate coffee probably was first found. Other places also somewhat credibly make this claim. I like to think it was found in Ethiopia but would not say with certainty.
Ethiopia coffee is the best coffee in the world

I would say it's my second favorite after Kenya AA. I love my coffee to have the bright fruit flavors that elevate the coffee from being the standard chalk bitter taste that most chain coffee has.
Where do you buy Ethiopian coffee? I mean with proper guarantees that it's from there and that it's reasonably fresh.
Where do you buy Ethiopian coffee? I mean with proper guarantees that it's from there and that it's reasonably fresh.
Pretty much any reputable local roaster will have some. That is as proper a guarantee as I have ever needed or wanted.