I have read a lot of extremely positive online reviews about the taste of the coffee the AeroPress makes, but I am extremely uncomfortable with the idea of using a plastic device to make coffee, since it's very possible that at least a very small amount of plastic might dissolve into the hot water each time coffee is made. And some online reviews say just that - the plastic parts do literally disintegrate/dissolve over time. If that is true, then I think the only place this missing plastic could be going is into the coffee. And please don't tell me I shouldn't worry because these plastics are FDA approved and so on. Just because something is FDA approved does not necessarily mean it is safe. The FDA generally does not do long term testing.
So, I am looking for a product that can make coffee that tastes as about as good as Aeropress coffee that only uses glass and/or metal, so that the hot water never comes into contact with plastic. Is the only option I have a French press? What I would love to buy is a metal/glass version of the AeroPress, but I don't think it exists. I would appreciate any guidance on this.
So, I am looking for a product that can make coffee that tastes as about as good as Aeropress coffee that only uses glass and/or metal, so that the hot water never comes into contact with plastic. Is the only option I have a French press? What I would love to buy is a metal/glass version of the AeroPress, but I don't think it exists. I would appreciate any guidance on this.