Advise Please: Breville Barista Touch as an upgrade from Keurig ??


Nov 20, 2018
I am still trying to upgrade from Keurigs which make "water downed" coffee. My wife loves it b/c she can use your own grinds but the temperature is poor. I was looking at Breville Barista touch and think it might be a replacement. I love my coffee black and think the americano option will be perfect. My wife loves espesso, cappuccino and her creamers. I have seen the reviews on Youtube and seem very great. Thoughts?
I am still trying to upgrade from Keurigs which make "water downed" coffee. My wife loves it b/c she can use your own grinds but the temperature is poor. I was looking at Breville Barista touch and think it might be a replacement. I love my coffee black and think the americano option will be perfect. My wife loves espesso, cappuccino and her creamers. I have seen the reviews on Youtube and seem very great. Thoughts?

Much better than any pod/drip machine but be prepared for quite a bit of learning to get the settings right. Also more mess from grinding and tamping and disposing of the waste. Milk frothing is dead easy, just press the button and wait. Use beans, not pre-ground coffee.
Go to Seattle Coffee Gears’s YouTube page. They showcase the machines they sell online. I have bought from them and it is a wonderful place to shop for coffee gear.
Hi Anonemis,

I have had a Breville Barista Express (the older version of the touch) for years and I still use it daily.
I understand you and your wife love espressos (as do I) but there are also other options for regular
coffee such as the moccamaster or simple drippers such as the Hario V60
and Kalitta pour overs. The possibilities are endless
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