Advice on Temporary Espresso Machine for Summer

Lol at Moka Marijuana!! but seriously though you should checkout some reviews. The Nespresso Pixie Espresso Maker seems to be very popular at the moment and won't leave a big hole in your wallet.

This thread was started in March of 2014. I'm guessing that his/her summer internship came and went a long time ago. We'll all just have to wonder what kind of espresso coffee maker was purchased back then.

This thread was started in March of 2014. I'm guessing that his/her summer internship came and went a long time ago. We'll all just have to wonder what kind of espresso coffee maker was purchased back then.


Lol, sorry will check the date next time. Doh!
Moka Marijuana is :star:calicafe you made my day :grin: If you're really wanting a super budget espresso, look into a Moka pot. It makes coffee in between regular coffee and espresso but I personally would recommend a $30 Moka pot that'll do its job well as opposed to a $150 "espresso" machine that can't do anything decently.
but seriously though you should checkout some reviews. The Nespresso Pixie Espresso Maker seems to be very popular at the moment and won't leave a big hole in your wallet.
My voice also for Nespresso or Capresso (300.01)10 My friend used Capresso3 year ,but it broke after a this period of usage
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