A roasting log if you want to use it......or contribute

Glad you got it back - now that I see it, I remember it. But I am sure I didn't have a copy of that excel sheet - I played with it and dumped it for something different. But I remember the banner at the top.

Anyway, glad you are making progress with your file recovery.

thank you for the spreadsheet! it works very well, and I printed out blanks to fill out by hand while roasting. saved it and add data after roasts to give profile. very handy and helpful!!
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NW JAVA said:
O.k after using a killer app called " Active Undelete" I scrounged this up. Yes this is La Creama's alter ego NW JAVA. So for all the folf that wished I'd responded with somthinto look at : pLease click on the link and hopefully you'll get somthing.


Click on the link provided by NW JAVA. You need excel spreadsheet. Nicely done NW JAVA.

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