A Laxitive???

From experience I can say that a morning coffee mixed with a morning cigarette means a mad dash to the restrooms. It deffinetly has a flushing effect. But I wouldn't call what it does to me "regular".
Yes. Yes. Yes.

YES!!! I'm agog that response to this question is so wishy-washy. Coffee is FAMOUSLY laxative. I thought everyone knew that. It's fast acting, too -- as most of the previous posts confirm. Anyone who hasn't noticed that the first strong cup (or two) in the morning frequently gets things moving must be hopelessly constipated or not very observant.

Note: As some previous posts suggest, caffeine has nothing to do with it. Good, strong decaf works just as well as the high test stuff.

It could be that darker roasts (the only ones I drink) are more effective than lighter ones. The responsible chemicals may be developed in the roasting process. I haven't seen or heard any information on this subject.
Let me clear up any mystery here. First, caffeinated coffee does indeed work as a laxative. Stimulants increase bowel motility thus giving you that kick start in the morning. It's not a mystery of science. One poster did say that coffee dehydrates you thus it couldn't be a laxative. Caffeine does act as a diuretic thus leading to the saying that coffee runs right through me. It can dehydrate you but the stimulant effect outweighs the diuretic effect.

To all of you I wish you happy BM's :-D
OK, Doc. But how's come decaf gets those ol' GCR's going just as readily as the high test stuff?" I think there must be other compounds in the coffee which are more responsible for the effect than caffeine.

Good control experiment: Pop a few No-Doz with a cup of warm water in the morning and see whether the effect is the same. (Not an experiment I've actually conducted. I'm just throwing out suggestions here.)
I feel ya...but I think its more of a rhythm thing. Is it possible that any type of coffee gets you going...yea. Is it probable...probably not. The stimulation of the stomach by any substance early am increases bowel motility. But caffeine take it up a notch. You teach your intestines how to work. You can actually train your bowels to go in the am. If you generally go at 5 pm do me a favor. Try decaf for a week and see if that changes...I doubt it will. Do so with caffeine and I assure you that the intestines will respond its basic chemisty.
I can personally attest to the fact that coffee does indeed keep you regular.
It has worked for me without fail for quite a few years.
It's also recommended that pregnant women drink coffee for just that purpose.
It should probably also be noted that if you let the oils from the beans sit in your coffee machine or coffee pot for a couple of days it will give you a pretty bad case of the runs. I'm not sure of the scientific reason behind it, but it does. Just remember to clean your machine after every use.
processing of the beens may have something to do w/it

unit_number_43 said:
It should probably also be noted that if you let the oils from the beans sit in your coffee machine or coffee pot for a couple of days it will give you a pretty bad case of the runs. I'm not sure of the scientific reason behind it, but it does. Just remember to clean your machine after every use.

Very interesting topic. I have a extensive experience taste with espresso types and brans, however I am puzzled as to why some types regardless of how strong the caffeine content DO NOT have as much a diuretic effect as others. Some types ACT as a strong laxative wile others do not-

I believe what was said about the processing or roasting of the beens may have something to do with this. Or I suspect that Additives added in the roasting process. I have noted that the cheeper BRANDS DO HAVE a STRONG EFFECT while TOP QUALITY coffee DOES NOT. A good example is ILLY Cafe, that is very strong but NO real laxative effect as compared to others. I have also noted that espresso that has flavors added tend to be stronger in diuretic effect.

I was told that additives ARE INDED the the cause, more so then the caffeine, but I found that a laxative effect with grinding your own beens with some brans more then others, so this would indicate the coffee would not be necessarily be mixed with junk after the beens are ground, but the additive are put including the pre processing.

Does anyone know more about this??
When I toured the Caffe Brit Plantation in Costa Rica they had given us some of the coffee fruit to eat. Then they said, "by the way, that fruit is a laxative".

It's the fruit around the bean that is a laxative. When extracting the beans from the fruit if not done correctly the laxative will remain. Cheap coffee usually means a cheap method of processing the beans and extracting them from the fruit. Expensive coffee will not have the laxative or the effect.

There could also be a pavilion response for some people. If you think you need the coffee in order to drop anchor then you'll drop anchor when you drink coffee. I never knew Tylenol 3 could constipate until the pharmacist told me it could. Before this it never had this effect on me. Now if I take Tylenol 3 I can't drop anchor for days.
DEFINITELY not a "a pavilion response"

demetri said:
It's the fruit around the bean that is a laxative. When extracting the beans from the fruit if not done correctly the laxative will remain. Cheap coffee usually means a cheap method of processing the beans and extracting them from the fruit. Expensive coffee will not have the laxative or the effect.

Thanks for the info! It has been driving me nuts to find out.
DEFINITELY not a "a pavilion response" some expresso types are so potent in this effect that they have an EXTREMELY STRONG and EFFECTIVE flushing effect, that is also very quick.

It is amazing with all the natural and safe choices, too many people in the US are dependent on dangerous unnatural chemicals.

What you say is 100% correct this effect does not take place with high quality espresso. As for your Tylenol 3, effect it is like someone telling you that when you run water you tend to also want to take a pee, true this can happen, but what I'm talking about is "the runs" in explosive format, something even impossible to do with mind control!

Ciao a tutti! Drink good only good espresso!
Tylenol 3


The effect most likely be for a slight change in diet during that time- all it take is a higher Meat or Protein intake to tend to constipate - You do not, or at least I hop not Take T3 every day, (its a killer) . SO Unless you keep a journal it is difficult to determine this. Espresso on the other hand is taken every day by most Italians like me, so we note a problem with more accuracy.
Don't worry Cafex. I'm not taking the T3s every day. I had knee surgery back in august and had some really nifty pain killers and a neato cooling unit to help out post surgical.

Now I wait a few weeks to get my other knee done and I should be good as new.

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