A Laxitive???

Okay...heres one for you. A dear and old family friend recently called up to request a special order of our Java Village coffee. "I really can't live without it", he commented. Of course I was touched by his nice comments until he added...."it keeps me regular you know!". So...has anyone heard that coffee is a laxitive...or is it my roast...or is it the fact that this old bloke is in his 80's and his bowels are indeed past their use by date :grin:
I've never researched it scientifically, but I would venture to say that all coffee is indeed a laxative. We even make jokes around here about the morning cup that leads to a sprint to the bathroom. Yet on the days we are off, all of us noticed that we never went in the morning but always in the afternoon since we did not have our usual rations. I found that coffee brewed in the Toddy method accelerates the process even more. Maybe its the cold extraction method? :shock:
I have same problem,
Any irregularity - cup of coffee and all set.
Any worm sweet drink helps, but coffee is the best. But I found it very unhealthy. Over the time you get addicted to coffe and it is harder to quit.
Most important when one is irregular is to keep your intestine hydrated, coffee does the opposite, so over the time it gets worse.
I found bulk forming laxatives help me, not as quick and effective as cofee, but taking it 3 times a day with plenty of food and water does the trick.
hmm there is plenty of evidence to show that coffee helps keep people regular, though science doesnt know why and its been shown that decaf is y the best if your worried about water loss.
Caffeine Health

As far as I know and from what I have read, coffee is known to cause de-hydration and thus constipation, contrary to what some ppl experience.

However, I am an avid fan of chocolate covered espresso beans and have them almost everyday (in a good quantity :wink: ), but along with this I also have lots of water.......and the reason I dont feel guilty about being kinda addicted to those is my good intake of water to keep my system well functioning :)

However, recently I visited the doctor and seeing the break-outs on my face he asked me to cut down on my chocolate/cocoa intake....

is anyone here to second his suggestion, coz as far as I know chocolate had nothing to do with acne...

please reply

Chocolate doesn't have anything to do with acne, it is all down to hormones. I found the only thing to get rid of my acne was Roaccutane, which was prescribed to me by a dermatologist.
Coffee doesn't make any difference, as long as you balance a glas of water for each cup of coffee!!! :)
Emma said:
Chocolate doesn't have anything to do with acne, it is all down to hormones. I found the only thing to get rid of my acne was Roaccutane, which was prescribed to me by a dermatologist.
Coffee doesn't make any difference, as long as you balance a glas of water for each cup of coffee!!! :)
does the cup of water in the coffee count? :D :)
If you drink chicory blended coffee, that has a tendency to get things moving. Heard from a few different folks, but I don't experience that.

I know its going to come up, so anyway chicory is a root and gained popularity in the South during the civil war. Coffee supplies were limited by transport issues and blockades by the Union, so to stretch out the supplies of coffee, chicory was added. Still very popular today in New Orleans. Go to the Cafe DuMonde and enjoy it with beignets!
I have actually looked in a medical dictionary about this before. The caffeine in coffee will create a "pull" of gastric juices into your intestine, kind of speeding up the process. I think too with the heat and relaxation everything kind of just moves on.
yumsetti said:
I have actually looked in a medical dictionary about this before. The caffeine in coffee will create a "pull" of gastric juices into your intestine, kind of speeding up the process. I think too with the heat and relaxation everything kind of just moves on.
blehk! :? :x

hehe, but at least i can figure out that most of the users on this forum are avid coffee drinkers, therefor very regular.